Li Shi whimpered.

Gu Mei took the opportunity to say, "Yunjiao means what I mean."

"I don't care about pensions either!"

Li was overjoyed, pointed at Gu Mei and said, "Yun Jiao raised her younger brother, she doesn't even need to pay for the pension. You can't do it, you must take the money out."

"Also, don't think I don't know, it was you who pushed your mother to sell the land, and you got half of the money from the land sale. If you took the money from the family, you should support your mother, two taels of silver a year, one Children can't be less."

Gu Mei snorted, "I have no money, let alone two taels, even two cents."

The second uncle, Li Zhu, stood up impatiently, "What are you talking about with her?"

"If she dares not to give the money, she will go to the yamen and sue her!"

"Without saying goodbye, she was so daring that a woman sold her family's fields as a dowry, leaving her mother and younger brother without a living."

Gu Yunjiao looked at Gu Mei coldly, what the second uncle said was not wrong at all.

Gu Mei had a guilty conscience about the land sale, but she still said stubbornly, "Whatever you want, I have no money anyway."

The uncle also stood up, "That's fine, I'm too lazy to talk to you, you just wait for the yamen to get someone."

He teased Mr. Li, "Let's go, let's go to the county seat."

Gu Mei saw that they were really here, and she panicked. If she really went to sue, would she be sentenced to return the twenty-five taels of silver?

As soon as her eyes rolled, Pazi covered her face and cried.

"Woooooooo...why is my life so bitter?"

"Why do I have such a mother?"

She took off the veil and pointed at Mrs. Li, "Other people's mothers know how to plan for their children, but you only have yourself in your heart!"

"You're only in your thirties, and you're thinking about retirement. Do you have broken hands and feet? Or are you paralyzed on the bed?"

Li Shi was pointed to his face by Gu Mei and began to cry.

Li Xi snorted, "Gu Mei, why did you talk to your mother? Is there still any respect?"

Gu Mei shrugged, "Don't be an elder here with me!"

"If your Li family really cares about her, take her back to raise her!"

"Why did you come to our Gu family to point fingers?"

Li Xi was furious, "Well, you Gu Mei, I never saw that you were such a thing before! You don't even care about your elders!"

Gu Mei hehe, "Of course I'm not a good person."

"But I'm not as unreasonable as your Li family, right and wrong."

"Forcing me and Yunjiao, two teenage girls, to give old age to someone who is only 30 years old and has good hands and feet, this is what you should do as uncles? Shouldn't you persuade your sister well, let Is she holding up the house?"

"It's because you indulge her so much that you can keep her so selfish! Just take care of yourself!"

Li cried more and more, she didn't expect that she would have such an image in her daughter's heart.

The eldest uncle and the second uncle were speechless by Gu Mei's words, and the eldest uncle could only scolded angrily, "You have sharp teeth and sharp mouths at such a young age!"

But Gu Mei stopped talking to them, walked over to Li's side, and said loudly, "Mother, even if I give you two taels of silver a year, how will you live?"

"You don't have the strength to fetch water, you can't cook, how are you going to survive in this house alone?"

She said as if I was good for you: "I see, you might as well go back to your mother's house."

"Look, the two uncles love you a lot, and your grandfather and grandma have always loved you the most."

"When you go back to your mother's house, you have two aunts, nephews and nieces. You don't have to do anything, just wait and eat ready-made, what do you think?"

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