Mr. Jiang opened the door and asked Jiang Hua to come in, and handed him half a string of copper coins, "Quickly go to the city and ask for a doctor, the best doctor."

Jiang Hua took the copper coins and nodded and ran out.

Jiang Rong squinted at Mrs. Zhou on the bed, "Why isn't my mother awake yet?"

The anger that Mr. Jiang had accumulated for a long time burst out, "You still have the face to ask!"

"Your mother has a stroke!"

"It's all mad at you!"

"You unfilial son, why are you angry at your mother?"

"Don't you know what's going on at home?

"Your mother's hands are tight, isn't it all for this family?"

Jiang Rong was shocked, did he have a stroke?

He lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was listening to the old man's reprimand honestly.

At this time, he didn't dare to be stubborn, the Zhou family still didn't know if he could live, and he couldn't bear the charge of angering the old lady.

Jiang Hua went for an hour before inviting Dr. Li over.

Doctor Li took a pulse, prescribed a prescription, and said, "The old man's illness is urgent and the situation is dangerous. Take a few medicines and see. If you survive for three or four days, your life should be saved."

Mr. Jiang couldn't help but ask, "Just take medicine, not needles?"

Doctor Li gave him an unhappy look, "I haven't studied acupuncture, so what kind of needles are there!"

He snorted, "Isn't there a genius doctor in your family?"

"Now there are people in the county who are saying that Doctor Gu's medical skills are stronger than that of her father."

"What's the matter, I didn't invite a genius doctor, but I was invited so far!"

Mr. Jiang was silent.

Dr. Li said angrily: "For a visit and a prescription, a total of three coins."

Mr. Jiang took out three coins from his arms and gave it to Doctor Li, and Doctor Li took it and went out.

When I went out, I saw Gu Yunjiao coming out of the kitchen.

Doctor Li stopped and glanced at her, snorted, and got into the car.

In his opinion, Gu Yunjiao was nothing but a vain reputation.

She really has the ability, why doesn't she treat her family by herself?

Gu Yunjiao is inexplicable, what's wrong with this person.

Jiang Hua went to the county town to grab the medicine and came back. Mrs. Liu fry it up, brought it to Mrs. Zhou's room, took a spoon and slowly fed it to her.

Mr. Jiang and Jiang Hua and Jiang Rong watched from Pang Bin. Several people saw the concoction flowing down the corner of Zhou's mouth, but no one reached out and wiped it.

The men of the Jiang family only work in the fields, and they never touch their hands except for carrying water.

Liu Shi endured his impatience and reluctantly poured a bowl of medicine into it, and then hurried to the kitchen to cook.

Yang's dead son has been lying in bed for a few days, and he still can't get up.

Now everything in the family falls on Liu.

Liu was busy washing and chopping vegetables for a while, and just started cooking, Jiang Hua came over, "Mother pulled, you go wash her and change clothes."

Liu shoveled the shovel into the pot and poked the sound of the mountain, "I'm still cooking, I can't go away."

Seeing that Jiang Hua really couldn't walk away, he went out again.

Liu's cooking was done, and there was no one to help serve the dishes.

She ran from the kitchen to the main room several times by herself before putting the food on the table.

Just after the meal was set, Mr. Jiang stood at the door of the room again and shouted, "Old third daughter-in-law, hurry up and fetch water, scrub your mother, and change your clothes."

Mrs Liu didn't say a word, went to the kitchen to get some water, and went into the house to wash Mrs Zhou.

Zhou Shi pulled up.

Liu Shi endured the stench and took off her little clothes, wiped her body, and put her effort into clean clothes.

Then he opened the door, covered his nose with one hand, and took out the little coat that Zhou shi had changed with the other hand with orchid fingers.

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