Ah Hu said sadly: "My son is actually very pitiful. He has encountered some things and doesn't want to live at all."

"Since he said he wanted to be your bodyguard, I only hope that Doctor Gu will agree no matter what."

"Otherwise, the young master will have to live in a daze again, and he will kill himself one day."

Gu Yunjiao said helplessly, "You saw it too, we are a small family and we don't need any guards at all."

"Even if you don't want wages, then—"

Ah Hu interrupted Gu Yunjiao, "We don't want wages, I will find a way to earn some money after a while, and give you the food and accommodation expenses."

"I just hope that Doctor Gu won't let my son know."

He is a big man with a pitiful expression, "Doctor Gu, please, saving a life is better than building a seven-level Buddha, please save my son."

What else can Gu Yunjiao say? She brought her own food and accommodation expenses and gave her part-time work for free. If she didn't want it, she might have a hole in her mind.

She nodded, "Okay, then if the rain stops tomorrow, let's go together."

Ah Hu stood up and gave Gu Yunjiao a solemn bow, "Thank you, Doctor Gu."

Early the next morning, the rain that had been raining for two days finally stopped.

Everyone quickly packed up and got ready to go.

Lin Shuo had just finished his last dose of medicine, and when he saw that the carriages were waiting outside the inn, he quickly got down.

The four carriages set off together.

Ah Hu drove the car to the front.

The car that Jiang Youzhi and a few boys were sitting in walked at the back.

Bai was delayed for a few days, and the drivers on the road were all rushing faster than usual.

After noon, I saw the city wall of Fucheng.

Liulang and Gu Chuan were crowded at the window, and the two sighed at the city wall, "This city wall is so high!"

The carriage entered the city, and Ah Hu, who was well-versed, drove the carriage to the door of an inn. Gu Yunjiao opened the curtain and saw that the inn was luxuriously decorated, with delicate red gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance, and two large stone lions. At first glance, she could not afford to live there.

She stretched out her head and said to Ah Hu, "Find a cheaper inn."

Ah Hu was stunned, then looked back at Lin Shuo.

Lin Shuo said helplessly, "We have to find a cheaper inn. We've run out of money."

"Besides, we are now Doctor Gu's guards. We can do whatever the master tells us to do. Look at what I do!"

Ah Hu laughed and drove the carriage forward again.

After walking for a while, Ah Hu found an inn that looked inconspicuous.

Xiao Er greeted them and drove the carriage in.

Chen shi went in and asked the price of the accommodation in fear. Fortunately, it was only slightly more expensive than the store they stayed on the road, which was barely acceptable.

Gu Yunjiao also opened a room for a few drivers and paid them all the money.

Several coachmen are planning to go back together early tomorrow morning.

Stop by the streets in the afternoon to see if I can get any work done.

After the family settled their luggage, they went downstairs for dinner.

Gu Yunjiao asked Xiao Er to fry two meat dishes, fry a fish, and also get some green vegetables.

No way, there are too many people eating, plus there are more than a dozen drivers.

Everyone sat at a table, but Ah Hu was very conscious of guarding, and arranged things before and after running.

Hot dishes and chopsticks are more thoughtful than Gu Yunjiao herself.

Gu Yunjiao couldn't help but sighed that the big families came out differently.

After dinner, Gu Yunjiao found the shopkeeper and asked him to introduce a tooth.

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