Jiang Youzhi got the post from Yuelu Academy and was not in a hurry.

He didn't even tell anyone, and was still sitting in the corner reading a book.

It's just that after a while, he will silently glance at Gu Yunjiao, stare for a while, and then lower his head to read.

Gu Yunjiao didn't notice Jiang Youzhi's peeking, she either stared at the street outside, or lowered her head to read.

In the afternoon, a woman came to buy Gastrodia, saying that she had a headache and wanted to buy Gastrodia and go back to stew chicken.

Zhang Shun weighed it for her, and Gu Yunjiao sent Ah Tie to the back to call Lao Jiu to cut the gastrodia elata.

Ah Tie went to the backyard, came out quickly, and said to Gu Yunjiao, "Jiu Bo fell asleep on the reclining chair and can't wake up."

Gu Yunjiao got up and walked to the backyard. When she walked into the courtyard, she saw Lao Jiu sleeping on the reclining chair under the porch of the east wing, snoring like thunder.

It's only February and the weather is still cold.

Lao Jiu was not covered with anything, but his face was flushed.

Gu Yunjiao walked over quickly, before she could smell the smell of alcohol.

Lao Jiu drinks three times a day, and the smell of alcohol on his body is normal, but the smell seems to be stronger.

Gu Yunjiao called out twice, "Old Nine, Old Nine—"

Lao Jiu didn't respond.

Gu Yunjiao pushed him again, but still no response.

Gu Yunjiao frowned and raised her voice, "Mother, did Lao Jiu steal alcohol just now?"

Chen poked his head out of the upper room, "No, the key is with me, and the door has been locked."

As the two were talking, Osmanthus, who was busy in the kitchen, thought of something, and hurriedly went to see the rice wine she used to cook.

The bottle was lifted, shaken, and empty!

Osmanthus ran out of the kitchen, "Lao Jiu drank all the rice wine I used to cook!"

Gu Yunjiao lowered her face and looked at Lao Jiu, who was sleeping unconscious, and turned to go forward.

Returning to the shop, Gu Yunjiao smiled at the woman, "The Tianma is so soft that I will cut it for you."

"It will take about half an hour to steam."

"If you still have something to do, you might as well turn around and wait for you to come and cut it for you."

The woman thought for a while, "How long does it take?"

She hesitated, "Then I'll go buy some embroidery thread and come back."

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly asked Ah Tie to take the gastrodia to the kitchen and steam it.

After waiting for half an hour, the Tianma was steamed soft, and the woman had come a long time ago. She was extremely impatient waiting there, and Zhang Shun hurriedly cut the Tianma in front of the woman.

Zhang Shun's knife skills are far worse than Lao Jiu's.

Gu Yunjiao looked at the uneven thickness of Gastrodia, and thought that this was because the customer didn't know how to do it, otherwise the Gastrodia was cut into such a ghost, and the customer would slap you in the face.

Lao Jiu slept until it was almost dinner time.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Liulang, Guchuan, Sanya and Yingzi were playing in the yard.

He was a little surprised that both Rokuro and Gu Chuan were back, when did this happen?

Just as Liu Zhu came in to drink water, seeing Lao Jiu awake, he quickly said, "Did you steal drinking today?"

Lao Jiu smiled embarrassedly, "I just drank a little."

Liu Zhu rolled his eyes, "Haha, Sister-in-law Osmanthus told you to drink up the bottle of rice wine for cooking, and said that you only drank a little."

"You slept all afternoon, snoring like thunder!"

He suddenly lowered his voice, "Let me tell you, today the customer bought the medicine and no one took it. The owner's face is all black, so be careful."

Just as she was talking, Gu Yunjiao also came into the yard.

Liu Zhu gave Lao Jiu a wink and hurried away.

Gu Yunjiao stared at Lao Jiu for a while, seeing Lao Jiu's heart trembling.

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