Gu Yunjiao hurriedly said, "Quickly untie him and help him into the room."

Ah Hu and Lin Shuo quickly put down their jobs and freed Lao Jiu from the pillar line.

Lao Jiu waved his hand, "I don't care."

He stood for a while, then squatted down and looked at the worms wriggling in the basin, "Is it because of this thing that I am addicted to alcohol?"

Gu Yunjiao could only say: "Yes."

She didn't know if it was a wine bug, maybe a parasite?

Lao Jiu may be a psychological effect now?

She looked at Lao Jiu, "Are you still hungry for wine?"

Lao Jiu waved his hand with a look of disgust, "I smell this now and I feel like vomiting."

He didn't think it was dirty either. He fished out the bug, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it. "Bia Chu" stepped on it into a puddle of mud.

Lao Jiu moved too fast, and Gu Yunjiao didn't have time to stop it.

She said regretfully: "I heard that if this worm is placed in clear water, the clear water will turn into wine. I don't know if it is true."

The worm was dead, and Gu Yunjiao didn't know.

Liu Zhu sighed, "Old Jiu, you have suffered a great loss."

"Otherwise, you can make a fortune by selling wine in the future."

Lao Jiu waved his hand, "I don't have the life to make a fortune."

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

Gu Yunjiao looked at him with a funny look, "You really don't drink anymore?"

Lao Jiu frowned, "You are not allowed to mention this word to me in the future."

Gu Yunjiao smiled, "That's it, then I'll give you your wages next month."

She covered her mouth and smiled, "When I save a few taels of silver, I will marry a daughter-in-law, and maybe I will have a big fat boy."

Lao Jiu paused, sighed, and went to the main room.

He is forty years old, and he hasn't married a wife for so many years, also because he can't save money.

As long as he has money in his hand, he will drink wine instead.

Hearing Gu Yunjiao talking about marrying a daughter-in-law and giving birth to a big fat boy, he felt a little feverish.

After eating, Mrs. Chen instructed Ah Tie to take the pot of water out of the house and pour it out far away.

When I came back, I washed the basin and water ladle several times.

She sniffed the water scoop repeatedly and shook her head, "No, this scoop still smells of wine."

Osmanthus smiled and said, "It's okay, just leave it outside to dry overnight."


At the same time, in Ma Qiye's house.

Master Ma Qi was listening to someone reporting to him.

"I asked people to ask around, this family is all from Nanzhou."

"That little girl, Doctor Gu, is also the shopkeeper."

"Some people say that they have no local roots, and some say that they may have something to do with Kang Wangfu."

"It is said that someone has seen the son of that family come out of Kang Wang's mansion."

Ma Qiye looked serious and stared at Second Young Master Jin, "Did you hear, Renxintang, you are not allowed to go there, or I will beat you."

Jin Lao Er murmured, "What King Kang, who knows if it's true or not!"

Ma Qiye sneered, "It's true or false, as long as it has something to do with King Kang, it's not something we can move, we can't even think about it!"

"You are getting more courageous now, and you don't even care about the prince."

Jin's second child slapped his face and did not speak.

Ma Qiye's daughter-in-law kicked Jin's second child, "Don't worry, he knows the seriousness."

Ma Qiye took a sip of tea and said, "Tomorrow, Lao Wang and I will go to Renxin Hall, no matter what, this matter can't be left alone, we have to find some face and come back, otherwise our Xuan Gang can't be here. Xiangcheng is messed up."

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