Uncle Li teased Shen Qing, "If she's really your cousin, what kind of bag are you still fighting at the dock? You don't know how to go to her shop to find something to do, how can it be better than fighting the bag."

Shen Qing blushed, "She is really my cousin. Last night, she went to my house to see a doctor for my father, and asked my mother to get medicine in two days."

Everyone listened to him with nose and eyes, and when they thought about it, this child usually doesn't talk much, and he never lied, so they believed it a little.

Uncle Li said, "I'll tell you the truth. If she's your cousin, go and ask her to find you something to do."

"You're still young, and you've been fighting for a long time. First, you don't grow taller, and second, it hurts your internal organs. When you get older, everything will come out."

Shen Qing pursed his lips and remained silent.

He didn't know Gu Yunjiao very well, so how could he beg her.

Uncle Li seemed to see what Shen Qing was thinking, and said lightly, "Don't be afraid of losing face."

"In order to survive, what can't we do, and what's the shame."

"You begged her, and if she agrees, it will be good."

"If she doesn't respond, you have nothing to lose, you just come to fight the pack."

Another person also said: "Shen boy, I think you are about the same age as my son, and I will tell you the truth."

"The kind of person who has the ability, people will show you the way, you don't know how many times better you will be in the future."

Shen Qing lowered her head, "Yes, but she won't accept money for my father's medicine, so why should I bother her again?"

Uncle Li patted Shen Qing's head, "Silly boy, you are relatives, you remember this kindness and repay it slowly in the future."

He murmured in his heart, it is estimated that people will not need your repayment in the future.

"Really?" Shen Qing's eyes were shining, "Well, then I'll do my work today and go find her at night."

Everyone didn't speak.

Uncle Li added, "When you finish your work in the afternoon, don't go home, just go there."

Shen Qing rubbed his head, "How can I do it? I'm all gray and sweaty again. My cousin should despise me."

Uncle Li shook his head, "Silly boy, listen to Uncle, you're almost done in a while, I tell you to go, you go, don't go home to take a shower and change clothes, just go."

Shen Qing didn't insist any longer, nodded, "Okay."

These uncles are all very good, and they often take care of him when they are doing things, they will not harm him.

Shen Qing carried a day's worth of bags, including salt, river sand, and medicinal materials.

It was almost evening, and he was all gray, with black sweat on his face, and a layer of gray on his hair.

Uncle Li patted him on the shoulder, "Go to Renxintang to find your cousin, hurry up, you can still have a meal at this time."

Shen Qing was very embarrassed, "Well, then I'll go."

He threw his legs and ran in the direction of Ren Xintang.

When she ran to Renxintang, Gu Yunjiao just gave the last few patients a note to call the number, and sent them away, ready to call Zhang Shun to close the door.

I saw a boy running into the door.

The boy was sweating profusely, showing his white teeth shyly at her, "Sister Jiao."

Gu Yunjiao was startled, Shen Qing? What's wrong with this kid.

"What have you been doing, why are you sweating all over? Go and wash up at the back."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "I'm fighting the pack at the dock. Today's work is done, I, I—"

He was so young and thin-skinned that he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

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