The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 341 Girls need to be able to read

When customers come in, Gu Yunjiao will also ask them to tell them that the store buys a lot of scented flowers.

In the afternoon, people picked flowers one after another and came over with baskets.

The price Gu Yunjiao offered was relatively high, and these people were so happy to have the copper coins in their hands, they were all ready to pick flowers.

Knowing that Gu Yunjiao was too busy, Mrs. Chen volunteered to take Yingzi and Sanya, and put a table and chairs next to the gate for special purchases.

Chen Shina said it was okay, and Sanya planned to count the money next to her.

When this girl was not busy some time ago, she saw that Zhang Shun was going to play with a bang, and she thought it was very interesting, so she said she wanted to learn.

Zhang Shun was idle and idle, so he taught her seriously for a few days, but she didn't expect this girl to be smart enough to learn it.

Chen shi looked at her daughter sitting there with a serious face, and her little hand moved on the abacus, she was really proud.

The son is promising, the daughter-in-law is capable, and now even the daughter is promising, this family is really getting better and better.

She had never dreamed of such a day before.

Gu Yunjiao was also happy to see that Sanya was so capable.

Unfortunately, there is no school for girls here. No matter how smart Sanya and Yingzi are, they can only stay at home.

During dinner in the evening, Gu Yunjiao discussed with Chen Shi.

"Mother, how about, when the backyard is repaired, let's invite a female master to come back and teach Sanya and Yingzi to read and write."

Chen Shi was stunned for a moment, but the young lady she served in the past had a female master who taught her to read and write, as well as a special teacher who taught her to play the piano and work for women.

She is now teaching Sanya embroidery, and she thinks that if a girl's family can learn to be a good female worker, it is almost the same.

Gu Yunjiao said this, she felt that she wanted to cultivate Sanya Yingzi as a lady.

She hesitated: "Is it useful to learn those?"

Gu Yunjiao said, "Why is it useless?"

"If I can't read, can I study medicine?"

"I think Sanya's abacus is very good. When she recognizes the words, maybe she can become a female shopkeeper."

"Even if you don't want to be a female shopkeeper, Sanya knows how to read and will be in charge of her own dowry in the future, and she can also read the ledger, so as not to be deceived."

Sanya listened and looked at Gu Yunjiao with bright eyes.

Chen Shi was a little dazed, her daughter still has a dowry to be in charge of in the future?

Gu Yunjiao touched her and whispered, "Mother, don't forget, our family has several thousand acres of land, and there will only be more in the future. When Yingzi gets married, at least it will be a dowry of several hundred acres."

Chen Shi also understood that, with Saburo's temperament, giving Sanya a few hundred acres of land as a dowry is still relatively small.

The family is not the same as before, and my daughter does need a different education.

Gu Yunjiao glanced at Yingzi again and smiled, "I think Yingzi likes to recognize medicines. She often asks Lao Jiu what kind of medicine is this and what medicine is this. When she becomes literate, she might be able to become a female doctor."

Yingzi didn't feel anything yet, and Osmanthus was too excited.

She never thought that her daughter could read and write.

All she thought before was that Yingzi must not starve to death.

If she could really be a female doctor like Gu Yunjiao, even if she had half of her ability, that would be amazing.

Mrs. Chen looked at her daughter and nodded vigorously, "Okay, then hire a female doctor."

She thought for a while, "I'll first ask the proprietress of the satin shop next door. She often deals with those dignitaries, so maybe there is a way to invite the lady."

Sanya said happily: "Thank you mother."

Then she looked at Gu Yunjiao, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Gu Yunjiao frowned, "No thanks, as long as you two study hard, sister-in-law will be happy."

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