The black-clothed man snorted, "What do you know? I asked the innkeeper. This Renxintang doctor Gu is the best doctor in Xiangcheng."

"It is said that even the dead were rescued, and the blind were also cured."

Another guard said: "Is there really such a god?"

He looked at the man who was reclining on the bed, "If she's really that powerful, then we might as well invite her back and treat her mother."

The man on the bed nodded slowly, "Inquire more about it first. If it's true, I'll invite her in person when I'm better tomorrow."

Then he glanced at the clothes thrown on the chair by the guard, "I have to buy some thinner clothes."

Here, Gu Yunjiao and Lin Shuo left the inn. The two walked for a while, and Lin Shuo suddenly said, "The few people just now are from Jin."

Gu Yunjiao raised her brows, no wonder she felt like a foreigner listening to them.

Lin Shuo's face was a little heavy, "Jin State is in the bitter cold in the north, where the temperature is extremely low most of the time, and it starts to snow every September and October, these people must have never experienced such hot weather. , the preparation is insufficient, and the body can't adapt for a while, so it will heatstroke."

Gu Yunjiao nodded slightly, and heard Lin Shuo sigh again, "Jin State has the ambition of being a wolf, and now Da Chu and Jin State jointly attack Liao State, vowing to destroy Liao State, but everyone knows that once Liao State is destroyed, the situation of the three kingdoms will be broken, and there will be no Liao State to fight. With Jin's containment, Jin's iron hoofs will step into Great Chu."

Gu Yunjiao didn't know anything about the structure of this world.

Hearing what Lin Shuo said, he said, "Then those people above can't think of it?"

Lin Shuo smiled bitterly, "Hehe, the imperial court is corrupt and incompetent from top to bottom, that one only knows how to indulge in food, calligraphy and painting. I don't know how many people in the entire court are still dreaming, trying to destroy the Liao Kingdom and recover Yan Yunshi. Six states."

Gu Yunjiao thought for a while, and after hearing what Lin Shuo said, the situation was closer to the Northern Song Dynasty in history.

But she just thought about it at random, and then forgot about it. National affairs and so on have nothing to do with her. She treated a few more patients.

Lin Shuo said this and did not say more, and the two returned to the store.

As soon as I returned to the store, I saw Chen shi come in with a watermelon.

Gu Yunjiao was feeling the heat, "Ah, where did mother buy the watermelon?"

Chen snorted and said, "It's a bit more expensive to sell it with a few cars outside, but there are also many people who buy it."

Gu Yunjiao quickly took out a piece of silver, "Hu, go buy some more watermelons."

"One or two is not enough. I have to use watermelon to make medicine."

Ah Hu smiled and took the money, took a sack from the backyard and went out.

Not long after he went out, he carried a sack of watermelon for a spin.

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said: "These can be eaten for a few days."

"Hang two to the well first."

Ah Hu agreed and carried the watermelon to the backyard.

Shen Qing asked curiously, "Doctor Gu, did you just say you should use watermelon as medicine? Can watermelon be used as medicine?"

Gu Yunjiao smiled, "Do it in a while, it's very simple, you can learn it after you see it."

Shen Qing was still a little nervous, "Isn't this recipe a secret recipe?"

Gu Yunjiao shook her head, "No, it's very simple, other stores should have it too. I read it in the book."

She took out a small piece of broken silver and gave it to Shen Qing, "Go to the grocery store and buy a few jars, so you can make medicine later."

She explained, "I want a clay pot, and it's the kind of pot that is not glazed."

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