The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 404 The patient who sees the wind

The crowd gave her a way, and the woman ran over, knelt on the ground and hugged the child who had just opened her eyes, rubbing her arms while crying and cursing, "You disobedient thing, I tell you not to play every day. Shui, you just don't listen, what would you do if you drowned, what would you ask your mother to do? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

The man and several children at the back also came, and the family hugged and cried non-stop.

Some people next to him said: "You can save your son today, you have to thank two people."

The child's father hurriedly said, "Look at me, I forgot to thank my benefactor."

"Which one saved my son?"

Someone pointed at the man whose pants were still wet and said, "He rescued your son from the water."

The man took his wife and several children, kowtowed to the man, and asked the benefactor's name.

The man waved his hand, "I also did it smoothly. When I walked to the moat, I heard a few children shouting for help on the shore, so I went down and pulled him up, but when he got up, he lost his breath."

"I ran here behind his back, and it was thanks to Doctor Gu that the child was rescued."

The family looked for Doctor Gu again, and someone pointed, "Doctor Gu is treating people over there."

The man picked up the naked child, and the family went over and knelt down for Gu Yunjiao.

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly said, "Get up quickly."

She glanced at the child, who was held in his father's arms, dumbfounded.

"He's okay, he was a little frightened, and his lungs were a little damaged, but that's easy to recover."

She handed the woman a prescription, "Grab two pairs of medicine for him to eat, go home and let him rest well, and then get him something delicious, and it will be fine."

The family thanked Gu Yunjiao and then carried the child away.

For a time, some patients who were queuing elsewhere all came to Gu Yunjiao's side, and the line was lined up all the way.

Yu Jiajie came over and said, "You people are all counting on Doctor Gu, can she see it alone?"

"Don't even look at where the sun is, it's just this moment, you should think about it as soon as possible."

Some of the people at the end of the line went elsewhere.

It made several doctors very unhappy.

Originally, Gu Yunjiao and Doctor Ye had the longest team, but now they are all running towards Gu Yunjiao.

The doctors who came to the free clinic seemed to be begging for a doctor, but they were unwilling to come.

It's as if his face was put on the ground for people to step on.

Several doctors got up and packed their things and planned to leave. The patient didn't look at it when he came over, but said coldly, "I won't look here, just go to Doctor Gu's place to look."

Even some people from Doctor Ye's side came to Gu Yunjiao's side.

Fortunately, Doctor Ye was generous, just glanced at it and said nothing.

Lin Shuo turned around to the back of the team, and said lightly, "Those who have sent the number slip will definitely read it today. If you haven't sent the number slip, stop queuing, and the platoon will be blank."

Those who didn't get the number slip scolded and ran around again.

After a while, the mother of the drowning child came over with a basket of eggs.

She put the basket on Gu Yunjiao's table, and Gu Yunjiao just said, "It's not necessary." The woman saluted Gu Yunjiao and ran away quickly.

It made Gu Yunjiao unable to laugh or cry.

Seeing that the sun was a little bit westward, there were still seven or eight patients waiting.

The man in the silk shirt was still lying beside him, and his concubine was still guarding.

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