Several people talked lively, Lin Shuo sat in the corner, his face was hidden in the shadow of the candlelight, and he said nothing.

Jiang Youzhi glanced at Lin Shuo and quickly changed the topic.

Chen shi suddenly patted his head, "Look at me, I almost forgot about the big event."

"Tell everyone, Lao Jiu and Osmanthus invited people to watch tomorrow's day."

Everyone said congratulations to Osmanthus and Lao Jiu.

Osmanthus sat by the door with a blushing face, and Lao Jiu stood up and saluted with a blushing face.

Chen said with a smile: "The two of them said that they don't have any relatives and friends here, and they are not going to make a big deal. Tomorrow night, they will go to Yulou East to ask for a table of rice noodles and invite everyone to eat, which is also a lively meaning."

Chen shi smiled again and said to Gu Yunjiao, "I was just about to tell you whether they should rest these few days."

"Lao Jiu has been here for a few months and has taken a few days off, but Osmanthus has not taken a day off."

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly said, "I was negligent, I should have given Sister-in-law Osmanthus a holiday."

"Let's order meals from the restaurant these days."

"How expensive is that!" Mrs. Chen hurriedly said, "I'll just cook with Mrs. Tian in the past few days."

Gu Yunjiao had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After breakfast the next day, Lao Jiu went out to buy dragon and phoenix candle red hijab and other things.

He and Osmanthus agreed that this is the owner's place, and it's not easy to hold a wedding, but the two of them still have to be polite.

Osmanthus was busy sewing a new pair of pillows and Yingzi's quilt.

At noon, the meal cooked by Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Tian had meat as usual, but the response was very bad.

Gu Yunjiao reluctantly ate a bowl, and everyone's tastes were too good, so they didn't eat much.

In the evening, Yuloudong had a good seat. After dinner, everyone gave some congratulations.

Gu Yunjiao gave a red seal of two taels of silver and a bottle of toilet water to Yingzi, and Yingzi walked away happily.

Osmanthus changed into red clothes today. Although it was not a serious wedding dress, it looked festive. There was also a red velvet flower on the side of the temple, which made her more charming.

Osmanthus used to be thin and thin. She came here to eat oil and water for a few months. Now her face has gradually become plump, and she is no longer exposed to the sun. Her face is getting whiter day by day, and people look more and more watery.

Lao Jiu had shaved his beard, his hair was smooth and smooth, and he was wearing new black clothes. At first glance, his talents were not bad.

After dinner, I went upstairs with Osmanthus under the laughter of everyone.

The two agreed to get married and live upstairs. After all, there are female dependents in the backyard, so it's hard for Lao Jiu to move there.

Upstairs now, only Lao Jiu lives alone, which is convenient.

When Yingzi saw that her mother was taken away by Lao Jiu, she knew that her mother and Lao Jiu were married, and she seemed a little bit shy.

Chen shi glanced at her, "Yingzi, you are going out with Sanya. Tonight, you will sleep with Sanya first. After two days, when the penthouse is cleaned up, can you sleep on your own?"

Yingzi nodded with a smile, and agreed.

The next day, when it was almost noon, Lao Jiu came downstairs, first fetched water to go up, and then came down to serve food.

Just when Liu Zhu came in for dinner, Liu Zhu put his arms around Lao Jiu's neck and said with a smile: "Lao Jiu, I can't see you, you are in your forties, and you are so energetic that you didn't go downstairs until noon. "

Lao Jiu was a little proud, "That's right, don't look at who your Jiu brother is."

Liu Zhu laughed, "Tell the truth, did you steal antler cream yesterday?"

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