Jiang Youzhi said softly: "Okay, the herbal tea you grabbed with your own hands, I must drink it every day."

Gu Yunjiao was stunned, she didn't plan to catch it herself, she was going to let Zhang Shun catch him.

However, since he said so, it would be no problem for her to grab a few servings of herbal tea herself.

Jiang Youzhi said again: "In the daytime today, the yamen went up to the court to examine the shopkeeper Sun, and the shopkeeper Sun recruited them all."

Gu Yunjiao's face, which had just been soothed, became solemn again.

Jiang Youzhi had no choice but to explain this matter to Gu Yunjiao.

"He blamed you for the shopkeeper Sun's shop being robbed, so he hated you, and he wanted to make a comeback, so he came up with your secret recipe idea."

Gu Yunjiao sighed helplessly.

Jiang Youzhi continued: "He has planned this for a long time."

"At first, I planned to choose the place outside the city, but after knowing that you can easily leave the city for diagnosis and treatment, I had to choose the place inside the city."

"He also quietly observed for a long time, and found that every time you go out, you should bring at most one person with you. He also found a gangster named Leozi that he knew before, and asked him to introduce a few good people."

"The leper didn't recognize anyone with good skills, so he just found the old lady and asked Mrs. Huang to find someone."

"Mr. Huang was reluctant to let the fat water leak out, so she called her son and godson to work together."

"That's how it happened."

Gu Yunjiao was silent for a while, "How did Xu Zhifu sentence it?"

"The old woman and the man named Zong'er sentenced Qiuhou to ask for beheading."

"That old lady doesn't need to say, kill for life."

"The one called the bug's because of the intention—"

Jiang Youzhi stopped, "In short, Xu Zhifu also sentenced Qiuhou to be executed."

"Treasurer Sun and the mother-in-law's son were both sentenced to 100 sticks and 3,000 li in exile."

Jiang Youzhi said: "Xu Zhifu has been given a heavier sentence this time. He is also very concerned about you, and he specifically asked me about your situation."

After Gu Yunjiao listened, she nodded slowly, then stared blankly at one place without making a sound.

No matter how severe the sentence was for these people, Gu Mei would not be able to survive.

Jiang Youzhi saw that she was gloomy and in a daze again, so he deliberately interrupted, he coughed lightly, "That - pull up your pants."

Gu Yunjiao looked down.

He saw that both of his white thighs were exposed.

She didn't think it was anything at all, after all, in her previous life, she also wore pants that were shorter than this.

However, she remembered that in this day and age, women's feet cannot be seen casually, so she quickly pulled down her trousers and pulled the thin quilt next to it to cover it.

Jiang Youzhi stood up, "Don't read books, go to bed earlier." Then he went out.

The next day, Gu Yunjiao seemed to be back to normal. After washing up in the morning, she went to the kitchen to have breakfast by herself.

Jiang Youzhi came in, brought a bowl of porridge, sat next to her, and asked softly, "Jiaojiao, did you sleep well last night?"

Gu Yunjiao nodded.

Then he looked at Jiang Youzhi in surprise, "You—how do you call me..."

After all, Saburo is also a man. Although she already regarded him as a family member in her heart, it would be too close to call him that.

Jiang Youzhi coughed lightly, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Isn't that what your mother called you?"

"And Liulang and Sanya call you Sister Jiaojiao. I'm older than you, so I should call you Jiaojiao."

Gu Yunjiao stared at Jiang Youzhi, she was not a fool.

She looked fifteen years old, but she was actually twenty.

Although she has never been in love, it does not mean that she is a piece of wood.

She looked at Jiang Youzhi, and Jiang Youzhi also looked at her.

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