After Du Wei finished speaking, he added: "Also, his surname is Jiang!"

"I always think, is there any connection between this!"

King Kang shook his head, "That's not the case. His father's surname is Jiang. When I started dating him, I asked someone to check the details of his family."

Du Wei pondered for a moment, "Maybe I think too much, but I haven't heard Zhong Xing say that he lost a son."

He said goodbye and left.

King Kang returned to the room and saw Jiang Youzhi still sitting in the room, seemingly in a daze.

King Kang suddenly remembered that since his uncle talked about Jiang Youzhi's resemblance to the British public, he seemed to be a little distracted.

This is really incomprehensible.

King Kang thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Is there any doubts about Brother Jiang's life experience?"

Jiang Youzhi raised his head and smiled bitterly, "Exactly."

Kang Wang was startled, "What do you say?"

Jiang Youzhi shook his head and said slowly: "Before my father died, he explained to my grandfather that he picked me up under a tree on the side of the road. At that time, my umbilical cord was still on my body, and it was clearly not long after I was born. "

King Kang was very excited, "So, it's very possible—"

He was excited for a moment, and quickly calmed down, "It's not easy to say, people are similar."

"By the way, when your father picked you up, did he have a baby on him?"

Jiang Youzhi hesitated, "There should be. I seem to have heard my father mention that I was wrapped, and my mother probably kept the swaddling clothes."

King Kang asked strangely, "When did you know that you are not the biological parent of the Jiang family? You never thought about finding your biological parents?"

Jiang Youzhi shook his head, "I knew it when I was ten years old, and I also thought about it. I think my parents threw me away because my family was poor and couldn't support me. That being the case, it doesn't matter if I look for it or not."

King Kang shook his head, "You don't know, my uncle told me just now before he left that you are not only like the British Duke, but also a little like Mrs. Wu."

One of Jiang You raised his eyebrows, "What about Madam Wu?"

King Kang said solemnly: "Mrs. Wu is the original wife of Duke British."

"It's just that Mrs. Wu has already lived apart from the British public analysis."

"The form is the same and the separation, but the two of them did not write and separate books."

Jiang Youzhi thought thoughtfully, "That's actually the case."

King Kang thought for a while, "Since Brother Jiang's life experience is strange, I think we still have to inquire about this matter, in case..."

Jiang Youzhi shook his head, "It should be impossible for the capital and Xiangcheng to be so far apart."

"If I want to find my biological parents, I should go to the vicinity of Chunlin County to inquire."

King Kang said, "That's not right. People are alive. Who knows if they have been to Chunlin County."

King Kang patted Jiang Youzhi on the shoulder, "Brother Jiang, don't worry, I will ask someone to inquire about this matter, whether it is or not, I always ask for peace of mind."

Jiang Youzhi thought for a while, then nodded slowly, "That's right, otherwise, there is always a doubt here."

The next day, King Kang wrote a letter and asked the servant to deliver it to Du Wei's house.

Du Wei received the letter and read it, and was amazed. He didn't expect that Jiang Youzhi's life experience was really inside.

In the letter, King Kang asked him to inquire whether the British father had lost a child eighteen years ago, and he also asked him to keep no traces of it, otherwise, it would be embarrassing if he didn't.

Du Wei thought about it, with his relationship with the British man, he didn't need to beat around the bush, called the British man out, had a drink, waited until he was almost drunk, and asked what he would answer.

Du Wei posted a post and asked the servant to send it to the British public mansion, inviting him to come to the mansion for a drink at night.

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