King Kang thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then you need to recognize your relatives."

"If you are really the biological son of the British prince, then you are the original wife."

"Now there is only one concubine in the British government, and it was born to the concubine who separated your parents."

"I heard from my uncle that the Duke of England intends to invite the prince to be crowned after the concubine's 20th birthday."

"Yuzhi, the position of the prince should be yours, why should you hand it over to others?"

Jiang Youzhi was thoughtful.

King Kang narrowed his eyes, "According to my intuition, when you were thrown under a tree back then, there must be something hidden behind this incident."

"Why did you throw the child away when he was alive?"

"It was obviously thrown away, why did it say it was buried?"

"Why do healthy children say they are weak?"

King Kang looked at Jiang Youzhi and said meaningfully: "Youzhi, don't you want to know who is the culprit who caused your mother and son to be separated for 18 years?"

Jiang Youzhi nodded slowly, "Of course I want to know."

King Kang patted Jiang Youzhi's shoulder, "More importantly, Mrs. Wu was in great pain because of this, and she hasn't let go of it for years. It's for her, and you should go there yourself."

Jiang Youzhi said after a while, "Then go have a look."

Kang Wang laughed, "I'm going to post right now."

"I will accompany you tomorrow."

Early the next morning, King Kang and Jiang Youzhi went out of the city in a carriage.

On the way, King Kang said with a smile, "I'll tell you about Mrs. Wu first. Mrs. Wu is not an ordinary woman."

Jiang Youzhi became interested, "Oh, why is it unusual?"

King Kang said: "Mrs. Wu's father is General Wu, and Mrs. Wu was born a prodigy in martial arts. She has followed her father to practice martial arts since she was a child, and she is highly skilled in martial arts."

"When she was seventeen, she went to Beijing with her father. She was a woman who was invincible in the capital."

"The British man was beaten down by her, and he has been obsessed with her ever since."

"Afterwards, the Duke of England made a contribution in the military camp. Oh, no, he was still the prince at that time. The emperor asked him what reward he wanted, and he asked the emperor to marry him. Only then did Mrs. Wu marry the Duke of England."

"Later, not long after she separated from England, she became the head coach of the Imperial City Imperial Army."

Jiang Youzhi was very surprised, "She can still be an official as a woman?"

King Kang smiled, "My father loves her for her good martial arts, so she made an exception to make her the chief instructor, but her rank is not high, it's only a fourth rank. She can't command the Imperial Guard, and is only responsible for the training of the Imperial Guard."

"You don't know, I heard that when the Imperial Army met her, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, and they were scared to death."

"You must know that many of the imperial guards in this capital are descendants of the descendants of noble families. It is not something ordinary people can do to make them afraid."

Jiang Youzhi was in a strange mood. This woman who was suspected of being her biological mother was quite different from ordinary women.

King Kang added: "However, last year, she resigned from the position of head coach on the grounds that she was old, and since then, she has been living in a courtyard outside the city."

This other courtyard is not far from the capital, and after walking out of the city for less than half an hour, I arrived at the other courtyard.

King Kang and Jiang Youzhi got off the car at the door of the other courtyard. After the guard knocked on the door, the door opened. A little girl opened the door and went in to report.

After a while, Mrs. Wu greeted her in person.

When she saw two young men, one of whom was wearing a prince's costume, she knew that this was King Kang and bowed her hands.

At the same time, Jiang Youzhi was also looking at her.

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