Chen shi instantly understood the identity of Mrs. Wu.

Her mood was extremely complicated for a while, but she quickly stepped forward to help Mrs. Wu, "Madam doesn't have to be like this, it's my blessing that such a good child like You Zhi can grow up in my parents."

Everyone sat down in the hall, and Mrs. Wu said with a smile: "Sister Chen, I'm here to accompany you."

"After this, I will live here."

Chen shi looked at Jiang Youzhi in surprise, and Jiang Youzhi nodded slightly.

Chen shi glanced at Mrs. Wu, and saw that although she had no jewelry on her body, it was just the men's robe on her body.

And this dress, this momentum, no matter how you look at it, it is not an ordinary woman.

Is she used to living here?

Before she could speak, Mrs. Wu said to Gu Yunjiao next to her, "By the way, this house is a delicate one. If I want to stay here, I have to tell the owner."

"Jiaojiao, can I stay here?"

Gu Yunjiao thought to herself, just one bracelet of yours is enough to buy the front and back yards, how dare I not let you live?

She smiled and said: "That's natural, you are Saburo's mother, shouldn't you live here?"

"After a while, I will ask Mrs. Tian to clean up the main house in the backyard."

Just as she was talking, Sanya came over, and she and Yingzi were just practicing calligraphy in the west wing of the backyard.

Mrs. Wu waved to Sanya, "Is it Sanya, come here quickly."

Now that Sanya has been taught by Master Bai, she has begun to pay attention to etiquette.

She bowed to Mrs. Wu first, and then walked over unhurriedly.

Madam Wu gave Daya a wink, and Daya took out an eight-treasure gold necklace from her bag.

Mrs. Wu took it in her hand and put it on Sanya's neck with a smile.

Although Sanya was young, she knew that this thing was very valuable, so she went to see the Chen family uneasy, wondering if this thing could be accepted.

Chen Shi just said: "This is Mrs. Wu, the biological mother of Brother Saburo."

Sanya saluted again: "Thank you madam."

Everyone chatted in the hall for a while, and Rokuro and Gu Chuan came back from school.

Daya took out two jade pendants from her bag.

Mrs. Wu pulled the two of them over, and one of them stuffed a jade pendant.

Chen Shi was shocked by the side. Saburo, the biological mother, didn't know how rich the family was. The few things that were sent out at this moment added up to thousands of taels of silver.

She hadn't seen the bracelet on Gu Yunjiao's wrist, otherwise she would have been even more startled.

Gu Yunjiao took time to go out and asked Du Ruo to go to Yuloudong, the best restaurant in Xiangcheng, and ask for a good table.

Although the dishes made by Sister-in-law Osmanthus are delicious, they are home-cooked dishes after all, and the hospitality is not solemn.

Then she told Mrs. Tian to quickly clean the main room in the backyard.

Not long after, Xi Mian called over, and Gu Yunjiao asked Mrs. Tian and Osmanthus to set up another table in the backyard.

After the meal was set, Gu Yunjiao came over to invite Mrs. Wu to the table.

Mrs. Wu took Chen's hand and walked over together, and Jiang Youzhi followed him to the Moon Cave Gate and stopped.

Mrs. Wu looked back at him, knowing that it was difficult for him to enter the backyard, and said, "Go in, I hate those red tapes the most, the family should eat together."

Chen Shi also said: "It's rare to meet today, so let's all be together."

Mrs. Wu glanced at Lin Shuo and Ah Hu, "You two also come together."

Lin Shuo and Ah Hu did not dare to obey, and followed them into the backyard.

Not long after the banquet started, Mrs. Wu knew that both Liulang and Gu Chuan were practicing martial arts with Lin Shuo, and said, "From tomorrow onwards, Ahu Lin Shuo, Saburo Liulang, Xiaochuan and Jiaojiao will all get up early to practice martial arts with me."

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