Gu Yunjiao thought, "Impossible. It is said that the healing is almost complete in three months. She said one year, which means that the firmness and toughness of the fractured area have completely recovered to the point where there is no injury.

After a fracture, a callus will slowly form at the broken part, and the callus will usually disappear in about a year, which means that the bone has grown completely.

In places where the skin is thin, callus is easy to feel.

Gu Yunjiao thought to herself, could it be that Saburo's callus hasn't disappeared?

That means his bones haven't fully grown yet.

She thought about it and got up, "Okay, I'll check it out for you."

The two got up and went to the backyard, Jiang Youzhi said, "Go to my house."

Gu Yunjiao followed him into the room, Jiang Youzhi closed the door with his backhand, and inserted the latch.

The window was already closed, Jiang Youzhi glanced at Gu Yunjiao and started to undress.

Gu Yunjiao quickly stopped her, "Don't take it off!"

But Jiang Youzhi moved quickly, and he had already taken off a robe outside, revealing his naked upper body.

Gu Yunjiao looked through the gauze last time, and Jiang Youzhi was the type that looked thin in clothes and fleshy in stripping.

Yes, his mother is so sturdy, and he can't be a weak chicken.

This time, the impact is stronger.

Broad chest, pectoral muscles but not exaggerated.

The complexion is fair, and the biceps are well developed. It is estimated that it is because of frequent sword practice.

The key is to look good.

With a good-looking face and this figure, Gu Yunjiao couldn't stand it anymore.

She turned her head and said coquettishly, "Get your clothes on!"

This way, she was confused, how should she do the inspection.

Jiang Youzhi glanced at Gu Yunjiao's reddish earlobes, put on her clothes slowly, and asked, "Can you take off your pants?"

Gu Yunjiao thought about it seriously and nodded, "Take off."

Now it was Jiang Yuzhi's turn to blush.

For nothing else, he was afraid that he would not obey her orders later and scare her.

After a while, Gu Yunjiao turned her head and instructed him, "Sit on the bed and cover it with the quilt."

Jiang You got on the bed, took off his pants, and covered it with a thin quilt.

Gu Yunjiao hesitated for a while, sat beside the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt, and touched it with her hand.

The muscles on her thighs are so thick that Gu Yunjiao has to be very careful to feel something.

She touched the place where Jiang Youzhi was injured before, back and forth several times, but she didn't feel the callus, and she didn't know if it had disappeared or the flesh was too thick to touch.

Jiang You's face turned red uncontrollably.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to seduce Jiaojiao.

The last time I wore a gauze, it was only a little bit.

Now that the weather is cold, it is not easy to wear gauze anymore, so he can only use the check.

However, at this moment, he can no longer think about it.

Delicate and tender hands touched the roots of his thighs, it was really life-threatening.

He not only expected her to touch her a few more times, but also hoped that she would leave quickly, otherwise, he would really scare her.

Once Gu Yunjiao entered the role of a doctor, she had no distractions.

She touched it for a while and didn't find anything, then she pulled her hand up and got up, "I can't feel the callus, but it looks like it should be fine."

"If you want to ride a horse, just be careful. If your leg hurts, don't ride and tell me quickly."

Jiang Youzhi gave a low "um".

Gu Yunjiao immediately met his eyes.

His face flushed slightly, and a pair of willow-leaf eyes looked at her with moist, fiery affection, even a blind man could see it.

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