The manager hurriedly said: "How can there be, but I lost too much money, I fainted, just rest for a while."

"Everyone, keep playing, keep playing."

"By the way, does anyone know him?"

The surrounding gamblers shook their heads.

The steward shouted a few more times, "Does anyone know this man on earth?"

Still no one agreed, and then someone said: "I heard him speak with a local accent, I'm afraid it's a foreigner who came to play for the first time."

Unable to manage, he beckoned two thugs to come and carry Jiang Rong away.

The two carried Jiang Rong to the back yard and found an empty room to put it down.

The person in charge quickly followed.

A thug pointed at Jiang Rong on the ground and said, "Mr. Yang, what should he do?"

Yang Guanshi's face was not very good-looking, and he said after a long while: "Damn, it's not good for this person to die, but he died in our field."

He thought for a while, "You go outside and call in the door guard."

The thugs quickly called the gatekeeper in.

Steward Yang pointed to the person on the ground, "Did you see this person when he came in? Did he come in alone or did he have a companion?"

Xiaosan stared at Jiang Rong on the ground for a long time, "I remember having a companion."

"A handsome young man came in with him."

Shopkeeper Yang frowned, "Made, if you don't have a companion, it will be over by throwing it at the mass grave tomorrow. If you have a companion, someone will definitely come over to look for it."

When someone dies in a casino, it means that there will be trouble if someone comes to look for it. If the family makes trouble, it will definitely cost a little money.

He stood up, "If anyone throws it here first, don't touch him until his family finds it."

The next day, Jiang Youzhi did not go to the academy.

He was waiting for people from the casino to come to Ren Xin Tang to ask for money.

Who knows that the left can't wait, and the right can't come, Jiang Youzhi's heart is a little strange, is Jiang Rong lucky, and the money has not been lost?

He thought about sending Du Ruo to the casino to see.

In broad daylight, the door of the casino was ajar, and there was only one gatekeeper. Du Ruo pushed the door and went in. There were still some red-eyed gamblers in the room.

He turned around and didn't see Jiang Rong, so he asked someone who was watching the scene, "A relative of mine came here last night, but he hasn't seen him yet. Why didn't I find him?"

Looking at the scene, it is estimated that the person who died last night came to the house, and quickly said: "Come with me."

The watcher took Du Ruo to the backyard, opened the empty room, and pointed to Jiang Rong on the ground, "Look, is this your relative?"

Du Ruo was startled, Jiang Rong was lying on the ground, looking at his face, he was clearly dead.

"What, what's going on, what's wrong with him?"

Looking at the field's wry smile, "He lost a thousand taels last night and suddenly fell to the ground and disappeared."

Du Ruo knew what was going on, and hurriedly said: "How good is this, then I have to go back and report."

Looking at the scene, he pulled him, "This dead man can't be put here, you can quickly get it away."

Du Ruo broke free, "How can I do it? I'm just a servant, and I can't be the master. I have to go back and tell the master."

Saying that, he ran away quickly.

Run home and tell Jiang Youyi about the matter.

Jiang Youzhi was also surprised, but he didn't even think about Jiang Rong's death. Although Jiang Rong was greedy, shameless and disgusting, he didn't commit any capital crime in the end.

He made a quick turn in his head, then sat down and wrote a letter.

He handed the letter to Du Ruo, "Take it to the Civil Information Bureau and tell them it's a funeral report, and ask them to use the fastest horse to send it to Jiang's house in Qingshan Village day and night."

Du Ruo took the letter and hurried to the station.

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