I didn't think that before, but now I want to understand some things, I just think that Yang's and Shiro's appearance is extremely ugly.

The old man shook his head, looked at the Yang family, and said lightly, "If you want to remarry, our family will not stop you."

"If you don't remarry, you will always have a meal at home."

"It's done, so be it."

Yang shi clutched his chest and ran out.

Shiro went out after him.

The old man sighed heavily and waved his hand, "Go back to the house."

Jiang Hua suddenly said, "Father, I still have something to say."

The old man nodded, "you say."

Jiang Hua took out a silver note from his arms and handed it to the old man, "This is what Saburo gave me quietly when I came back, saying that it was your pension money."

The old man's tears suddenly poured out, "Sanlang is a good boy, he still remembers my grandfather, I didn't treat him well, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Zhou Shi on the bed pursed his lips, his face unnatural.

Then, Jiang Hua took out another silver note: "This is also given by Saburo, saying that it is the cost of making me burn paper money for my eldest brother and Dalang in the future."

The old man wiped his tears and shook his head.

Then Jiang Hua took out the last silver note and said to Wulang and Qilang: "This is what Brother Saburo gave to the two of you. If you are willing to study, you can use this money to study, and you can learn a craft."

"Brother Saburo also said that if you don't eat meat, you won't grow taller, so let Dad buy you meat to eat."

Qilang was happy, "Brother Saburo is so good, oh oh, I have meat to eat."

Mr. Jiang was stunned for a moment, and lowered his head in shame.

Zhou Shi, who was on the bed, turned his head away uncomfortably towards the inside of the bed.

Jiang Hua touched Qilang's head, "Dad doesn't want you for this money."

"Every other day in the future, I will either cut meat or buy fish, shrimp, chicken and duck, and everyone in the family will eat it together."

"The money spent, I learned to keep accounts, and you will see for yourself when you grow up."

He paused, "Goro Qilang, Dad wants you to remember that this is Brother Saburo's kindness to you."

"If you can repay in the future, you will repay, even if you don't have the chance to repay, you must always keep it in your heart, you know?"

Qilang agreed quickly, "Father, I will remember."

Goro also nodded.

Jiang Hua continued: "Goro Qilang, there is one more thing you must remember, you must be filial to your grandparents."

"Mother has a lot of things to do now. You have to take care of grandma, and do laundry and cooking. You can't be idle. We hunt hogweed and chop wood at home. It will be your job in the future."

"Dad will also help your mother cook."

Goro said puzzled: "Father, can men still enter the kitchen?"

Jiang Hua said: "Have you ever seen your brother Saburo helping cook in the kitchen?"

Qilang hurriedly said, "I've seen it before, brother Saburo can cook."

Jiang Hua nodded, "Brother Saburo is a scholar, he can enter the kitchen, but we can't?"

"Besides, the royal chefs in the palace are all men. Do you think men can enter the kitchen?"

Goro was thoughtful.

Jiang Hua continued: "With family matters, whoever is free will help with it. Don't think about being lazy. In the future, our family will work together to live a good life."

Mr. Jiang nodded while weeping, "The third child is right. If this happened earlier, the family would not be like this."

Jiang Hua turned to look at the Zhou family again, "Mother, in the future, stop scolding people."

"Everything is prosperous at home, and making noise will only disrupt the family."

"We will be filial to you in the future, you just need to take care of your body."

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