Duchamp nodded helplessly.

Jiang Zhongxing stood up excitedly, "Where is he? I want to see him, I'll see him soon!"

Du Shangshu stretched out his hand and pressed down, "Sit down and sit down, you can't see it even if you want to see it now, what are you so excited about?"

Jiang Zhongxing wanted to cry and laugh, the expression on his face was out of control, he grabbed Du Shangshu's shoulder, "Where is he? You must know, tell me quickly!"

"Haha." Du Shangshu laughed, "You are in a hurry, and people don't want to recognize you."

Jiang Zhongxing lost his voice: "How is it possible!"

He suddenly said: "No, has Yaoyao recognized the child?"

"Why didn't she tell me? Why? Why!"

Three why, his expression changed from excited to despairing.

Du Shangshu saw his friend's rare gaffe, both funny and sad for him.

"Sit and talk, sit and talk."

Jiang Zhongxing sat down slowly and looked at Du Shangshu: "Have you seen that child?"

Duchamp nodded.

Without waiting for Jiang Zhongxing to ask, he said, "That child was born very well, just like you, but more handsome than you."

"What's even more rare is that the child is very smart and can read books well. At a glance, he knows that he will become a great person in the future."

"So, you don't have to envy me. Your son will support two of me."

He looked at Jiang Zhongxing, and suddenly found that his friend was crying.

Du Shangshu didn't laugh at him, and continued: "It was King Kang who sent someone to Xiangcheng to get the baby's swaddle when he was a child, and took it to Mrs. Wu to recognize her.

Jiang Zhongxing turned around and wiped away his tears, looking at Du Shangshu's grievance and said, "It's fine if you don't tell me from afar. You are hiding it from me. I have been friends with you for more than ten years!"

Du Shangshu rarely saw Jiang Zhongxing like this, he couldn't help laughing in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, "You can't blame me."

"The child said it himself, saying that you don't lack a son, so why should he recognize you?"

Jiang Zhongxing seemed to be punched in the head, his mouth moved for a while, but he didn't say a word.

Du Shangshu looked at his expression, "Why, you've been hit?"

Jiang Zhongxing smiled bitterly after a long while, "This is the end, what can I do, I can't put that bastard back in his mother's stomach."

"Oh, this is really, one step is wrong, one step is wrong."

Du Shangshu continued to eat the food unhurriedly, Jiang Zhongxing glared at him, "You can still eat it!"

Du Shangshu chuckled, "I can't eat anything, my husband and wife are in harmony, and my son is in good spirits, unlike some people—"

He saw that Jiang Zhongxing's face had changed, so he didn't say any more. It was originally a joke, and it was boring to make people angry.

Jiang Zhongxing asked, "Where are their mother and son now? Chunlin County?"

Du Shangshu shook his head, "In Xiangcheng."

"There is a pharmacy called Renxintang in Xiangcheng, and they all live there."

"Youzhi is currently studying at Yuelu Academy."

Jiang Zhongxing just thought it was strange, how could he live in a pharmacy?

Could it be that a doctor adopted his son?

He got up, "No, I have to go to Xiangcheng to see their mother and son right away."

Du Shangshu hurriedly said: "You sit down quickly, don't be in a hurry at this moment."

"If you want to leave, you have to leave with the emperor first."

Jiang Zhongxing had to sit down.

Du Shangshu said again: "Also, when are you going to tell her the eldest princess?"

"You said earlier that you were going to wait for Jiang Han to reach the crown, and then you would invite the prince for him. What are your plans now?"

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