The British public was a little nervous.

He was afraid that his son would not recognize him.

However, there was no trace of his face, and he strode in with the whip in hand.

Jiang Youzhi stood there, watching the British man walk in step by step.

Jiang Zhong walked in front of Jiang Youzhi, and suddenly he couldn't say a word.

In the past few days on the road, he thought about a lot of things to say to his son, but at this time he couldn't say a word.

His lips moved slightly, and tears flowed from his eyes unconsciously.

Jiang Youzhi was originally dissatisfied with this father.

Not only is he dissatisfied with his father, but he is also dissatisfied with Mrs. Wu.

What kind of parents is this?

Mother-in-law only knows how to do things with anger. With such a big belly, you dare to run around in a carriage, and you can't think of the consequences?

Not even a father. First, a woman who shouldn't have slept in bed, and then her daughter-in-law ran away for a few days without knowing it.

How to be human?

Don't have a single confidant in the house?

No one told him about such a big thing?

Two idiots!

However, looking at the unshaven British male and his deep-set eyes, he knew that he must have been rushing over to hear the news.

Jiang Youzhi saw that the British father's tears seemed to be unstoppable, and his heart softened slightly, he said lightly: "Go and talk later."

The British public hates himself for being unsatisfactory. When he sees his son for the first time, he should show his wise and martial side, so that his son can worship him.

How do you only know how to cry?

"Ai" he obediently agreed and followed Jiang Youzhi in.

Gu Yunjiao saw that the two guards were still standing outside with their horses, and instructed Shen Qing, "Open the side door and let them lead the horses into the stable."

"Alas, my stable is getting smaller again."

There were originally four horses in the stable, and with three more horses, Gu Yunjiao could only pray that they would not fight for a while.

Shen Qing went out to greet the two guards and led the horse in.

Gu Yunjiao called Du Ruo again, "Go to Yuloudong, let them make a table of delicate dishes and bring them here, and put less chili."

Du Ruo hurriedly went.

Gu Yunjiao then shouted to Zhang Shun and Liu Zhu, "Close the door!"

While packing up the things on the counter, Zhang Shun asked curiously, "Master, is that Saburo's biological father? It looks like him."

Gu Yunjiao nodded.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but said: "What does Saburo's biological father do, he doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Mrs. Wu was scary enough. Sometimes when she came to the shop in front, Zhang Shun felt a murderous aura when she swept her eyes. As long as Mrs. Wu was in the shop, he would not dare to say a word.

This Saburo's biological father is not murderous, but he has an indescribable majesty.

Gu Yunjiao shook her head, "I don't know."

She never asked Jiang Youzhi about his biological parents.

Since Mrs. Wu came from the capital, it stands to reason that Jiang Youzhi should go to the capital to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan.

Mrs. Wu chose to follow her son to Xiangcheng, which is definitely not normal.

Just don't know what's going on here.

Thinking of this, she looked back at Lin Shuo.

Lin Shuo strode over and said in a low voice, "That was the British prince just now."

Seeing that the father and son recognized each other, he was very sensible and did not go over to say hello.

Gu Yunjiao's eyes widened, Grandpa!

This is the top dignitary other than the royal family.

Saburo's life experience is so prominent!

Judging from the appearance of Mrs. Wu and the British prince, it seems that they both love this son very much, so how did Jiang Youzhi live in the backcountry of Qingshan Village?

In an instant, she made up a big house fight scene in her mind.

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