The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 497 Weapons of Mass Non-Destruction

Gu Yunjiao kept ordering herbal balls on the ground, Jiang Youzhi kept throwing them, throwing a big girl and hitting them in different directions.

Although the three doors of the shop were open, there were too many herbal balls and there was a lot of smoke, so the shop soon filled with smoke.

The smoke is not very choking, but the smoke is also quite annoying. Those soldiers are chasing the herb ball and stepping on it.

It's just that the herbal ball is round. As soon as you step on it and roll, a soldier accidentally steps on it and falls again.

Gu Yunjiao ordered all the herbal balls in the bag, and put some left around the corner of the wall before throwing them away.

Lin Shuo and the others quickly discovered that the soldiers who were fighting against them seemed to be declining in combat effectiveness.

A fist hit, it was soft.

Then the soldiers seemed to be drinking, as if they could not stand still.

A soldier who was close by shouted, "This smoke has ghosts, and my head is dizzy." After speaking, he fell limply.

The smoke in the corner was the thickest, and after a while, the soldiers in this area fell one after another.

Lin Shuo is a tiger and a big girl. Although his martial arts are high, he can deal with the soldiers who are constantly rushing towards them, which is very physically exhausting.

All three were exhausted.

At this moment, no one dared to come over from the corner, and Lin Shuo took the opportunity to sit down to rest and regain some physical strength.

Gu Yunjiao took out two bamboo tubes from her bag, took one for herself, and gave Jiang Youzhi another.

She looked at Jiang Youzhi and pushed forward with the bamboo tube, "When someone comes over, shoot at them. There is chili water all over the place. It's best to shoot at the face."

Ever since the retrospective eyebrows disappeared, Gu Yunjiao thought about her pain, and after reviewing herself fiercely, she pondered a lot of strange things.

The herbal ball already had the effect of intoxicating medicine, but Gu Yunjiao also packed it with powerful intoxicating medicine powder, and the effect was even better.

And this bamboo tube is based on the principle of imitating a syringe, and Lao Jiu helped to make it.

Gu Yunjiao tried it, and although it wasn't very flexible to push, but it was very useful to be able to shoot far away with a single push.

She still has itching powder in her baggage, and there are several kinds of highly poisonous drugs prepared by herself in the medicine storehouse.

Today's scene made her review it again. Her preparation is still not enough, and she will have to do more things in the future.

Jiang Youzhi held the bamboo tube and glanced at Gu Yunjiao, feeling extremely proud.

This kind of thing is only done by Jiaojiao, and his Jiaojiao is so smart and cute.

Jiang Youzhi held the bamboo tube in front of Lin Shuo and the others, so that they could rest in peace.

Gu Yunjiao also stood beside him.

At this time, thick smoke billowed from the corner, and visibility was extremely low.

Jiang Youzhi said softly, "Are you afraid?"

Gu Yunjiao shook her head, took out a bamboo tube from her arms, and blinked, "Don't be afraid, I still have itchy powder."

Jiang Youzhi smiled, such a cute Jiaojiao, he really wanted to hold her in his arms.

At this moment, a piece of clothing flashed in the thick smoke, Jiang Youzhi roughly judged the position, and pushed the mechanism on the bamboo tube in his hand forward.

Someone screamed, and then Jiang Youzhi saw someone rolling on the ground, covering his face.

The smoke concentration on the ground is lower than that in the mid-air, so it can be seen more clearly.

The man covered his mouth and nose, and it was probably for this reason that he touched the vicinity.

The corner was quiet again.

Lin Shuo and the others sat on the ground and recovered their strength.

Jiang Youzhi and Gu Yunjiao looked around vigilantly while holding the bamboo tube.

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