Jiang Zhongxing was furious.

Hundreds of people!

There are only a few people in that shop, how can this be resisted!

He ran faster and faster, and the anger in his heart became heavier and heavier. If the son he managed to find was slightly damaged, he wouldn't mind the blood in Xiangcheng today.

When they were about to reach the entrance of Renxintang, they saw a large group of people surrounding the door far away.

Jiang Zhongxing was full of anger, he raised his whip and swung it to both sides.

The crowd of onlookers avoided one after another, and some people were swept by the whip and cried out in pain.

Jiang Zhongxing didn't care, a few people rushed to the door to dismount, and heard a young man in a black brocade shouting, "The smoke is gone, let me in, and beat them hard!"

Qin Yan added viciously beside him, "Especially the one surnamed Jiang, hit me hard!"

Liu Hao also said: "That little white face surnamed Jiang, broke his legs for me!"

Liu Hao brought a 100-man team out of the military camp today. He thought it would be easy to beat a small pharmacy. Even if he heard that the pharmacy had two experts, he did not expect that his losses would be so heavy.

Although no one was killed yet, there were a few who were seriously injured, and they didn't know how many days they could last.

There are many more minor injuries.

The person who brought out such a big injury, he would not be able to explain to his father for a while, so he also became really angry, and he would not be able to express this bad anger if he did not beat the surnamed Jiang.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his body rose into the air uncontrollably.

He screamed in a panic, and then he saw a whip wrapped around his waist, and he was rolled into the air.

Liu Hao was terrified. Before he could understand it, he had already fallen heavily to the ground.

He only felt a huge force hitting his chest, and he fainted.

Jiang Zhongxing's bodyguard, A Yun, immediately stepped on Liu Hao's back and shouted, "Don't move, otherwise, I will kill him!"

The place where Liu Hao fell was the door.

The soldiers were all standing by the door, about to enter the house.

Seeing Liu Hao being stepped on the ground, he didn't know what to do for a while, and they all looked at a man in black.

That's their captain.

The captain gestured for them not to move.

Liu Hao was Liu Shoubei's only son. If he had anything today, his life would definitely not be guaranteed.

At this time, the smoke in the house was almost gone.

Jiang Youzhi and the others are in the corner.

On the ground in front of them, there was a field of people who were dazed and did not wake up.

Ah Hu was the tallest, and across the crowd, he saw Jiang Zhongxing on a horse.

He stretched out his hand and shouted happily, "Grandpa, we are here!"

Jiang Zhongxing had a good view from the horse, heard Ah Hu's shout, and followed the sound to see them.

He flew off his horse, and with a flick of the whip, he lashed towards the soldiers standing at the door.

The soldiers hurriedly avoided to either side.

One of the soldiers couldn't dodge, and the whip just hit him in the eye. He howled and rolled around with his eyes covered.

The soldiers around were agitated. For Liu Hao's life, they could not move, but if they just stood there and be beaten, that would be fine.

At this time, the captain in black was staring at the golden badge on Jiang Zhongxing's waist, only to feel that his legs were weak.

He just heard that the person inside was called Grandpa Guo, and he was startled and told himself that he had heard it wrong.

But this golden waist badge cannot be faked!

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