Madam Liu suddenly looked up at Gu Yuheng again, "I have no objection if you want to resign."

Gu Yuheng looked at her in surprise, "Really?"

Mrs. Liu nodded, "I originally thought that at the end of the year, the officials will go to Beijing to report their work, and you can report illness at home, and no one will find out."

"But you're right, it's not the way to be so worried."

"It's just that you can resign, I have a request."

Gu Yuheng breathed a sigh of relief, "You said."

Mrs. Liu said faintly: "It's just that my husband can't leave our mother and son. We will go wherever you go."

Gu Yuheng was startled, "This—"

"Why did Mrs. Liu say this!"

Mrs. Liu looked at him resentfully, "One day husband and wife a hundred days of kindness, did your husband forget our past love?"

"Husband didn't think of those things before, call me Xiao Xiangxiang, we just can't wait to be together every day..."

Gu Yuheng's face flushed. In the past, he thought that Mrs. Liu was his wife, and there was a natural love between the two of them.

It's embarrassing to mention this again now.

Mrs. Liu stared at Gu Yuheng, "Don't you believe me, I really love my husband."

Gu Yuheng originally thought that when he returned home, he would face Mrs. Liu's questioning and noise, but who knows, she told him about it.

How would he answer this?

The love was naturally there, and it remained in his memory.

However, when she thought that she was deceived and played with her, those affections faded.

Especially now that he has ruined his family, what's the point of saying this?

Mrs. Liu saw that Gu Yuheng's expression seemed to be touched, and then she softened her voice, "Gu Lang, since your wife has already given birth to two hearts, you will always have to continue in the future. Isn't it good for us to be husband and wife?"

Gu Yuheng looked at Mrs. Liu with a cold smile, "Mrs. Liu, I originally had ten acres of land at home, but now I have nothing left. In the future, I plan to go back to my old business and treat people. Knowing that you can earn a few coins, Madam can live like this?"

Mrs. Liu nodded without hesitation, and said decisively: "Following my husband, even if I eat bran and swallow vegetables, I am willing to do so."

Mrs. Liu's remarks are not half false.

Gu Yuheng has a good temper and is gentle and considerate towards her, and the two of them are in harmony.

Except for being a little older, she was better than her ex-husband in every aspect. Slowly, her heart fell on Gu Yuheng.

Especially when he was still kind to Tao'er, he remembered his own identity and still treated Tao'er as always.

She can't lose this husband, and Tao'er can't live without this father!

In the past three months, after Gu Yuheng remembered the past, she refused to have the same room with her, and she was always far away from her on weekdays, and her heart was empty.

She was really afraid that Gu Yuheng would leave her.

She suddenly felt that as long as Gu Yuheng didn't leave, no official position, glory, wealth, and honor were important, and she was willing to eat chaff with Gu Yuheng.

Gu Yuheng could see that Mrs. Liu was speaking the truth.

He didn't know what to say for a while, just said: "I'll take leave tomorrow."

Mrs. Liu nodded silently.

Gu Yuheng got up and opened the door, then turned his back and said nothing.

Mrs. Liu took a bitter look at his back and went out of the room.

The next day, Gu Yuheng got up early to shave his beard cleanly, and found a sapphire blue robe to wear. This color looked young.

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