The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 628 Another Eye Disease

The buildings in the palace are not so exquisite and luxurious. In Gu Yunjiao's opinion, they are not even as good as Fanlou.

Great Chu was founded more than 100 years ago, and successive emperors have implemented benevolent governance. After more than 100 years of recuperation, now the people are prosperous and the treasury is full, it is definitely not impossible to build a palace.

It can be seen that the emperors of the Chu Dynasty are relatively simple, and now this one is a little extravagant in food.

The eunuch took Gu Yunjiao to the Kunning Hall. Gu Yunjiao waited outside for a while, and the palace maid came out and told her to enter.

Going in and going around a rosewood screen, I found that the main hall was not big, and there was a woman about forty or fifty years old sitting above it.

The woman wore only a few simple golden hairpins on her head, her appearance was dignified and beautiful, and her body had an indescribable grace.

Gu Yunjiao went in and knelt down, "I have seen the Empress."

A soft voice came from above: "Doctor Gu, please get up."

"Give a seat."

Gu Yunjiao listened to this voice and felt that she was attached to Concubine Yun. Maybe the emperor preferred this kind of gentle woman.

She sat down next to the queen, and the queen said, "I heard that you once cured Concubine Yun of her eye disease?"

Gu Yunjiao said, "Yes."

The queen nodded slightly, "I heard Concubine Yun mention it last time, and Ben Gong was a little tempted at that time, and wanted you to treat Ben Gong's mother's eyes."

"It's just that the old man is getting old. Hearing that he is going to use a knife or something, he doesn't dare."

"She has been suffering from eye problems for several years. Apart from feeling light, she can't see anything, and the imperial physicians are helpless."

The Empress suddenly chuckled, "Bengong sent someone to Xiangcheng to invite you, who would have come here for nothing, Concubine Yun said that you have entered the capital, and now you live in the Guogong's mansion."

It is said that it is a waste of time, but it is not completely in vain.

The two eunuchs went to Xiangcheng. Not only did they hear Concubine Yun talk about the specific situation of Gu Yunjiao's treatment, but they also inquired about it in Xiangcheng. Only then did they know that Gu Yunjiao was a famous doctor in Xiangcheng.

Various incurable diseases have been cured by her.

The two also made a trip to Renxintang. Although Gu Yunjiao is not here now, business is still booming here. Many people who heard about Doctor Gu's reputation came here to see a doctor and get medicine.

After the two eunuchs returned to the capital, they explained everything to the queen carefully, and the queen told her mother again, and the old man agreed to use a knife to treat his eyes.

Gu Yunjiao laughed, "It's so tired that the empress's people ran away for nothing."

The queen smiled and said, "However, if you don't send someone to Xiangcheng, you still don't know the name of Doctor Gu's genius doctor."

"Tell me carefully, what exactly is going on with this operation?"

Gu Yunjiao explained the operation process to the queen carefully, and added, "There are two sets of instruments for the operation."

"If the old lady doesn't dislike it, she can use it directly after disinfection."

"If you want to make another set of equipment, you can just wait some time."

The queen asked curiously, "What does this disinfection mean?"

Gu Yunjiao could only explain in words that the queen could understand, "It is to clean off the unclean things such as dust on the utensils."

The queen nodded, "In this case, there is no need to make another set of equipment."

"When can the operation be done? Can you see it right away?"

Gu Yunjiao said, "If the old lady has no major health problems, she can operate immediately. After the operation, you can see it immediately."

"Just prepare a well-lit room, smoke it with wormwood first, then smoke it with steam boiled in vinegar, then close the doors and windows, and you can use it."

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