The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 644 I don't want to repeat the same mistakes

Jiang Youzhi came out of the workshop, and when he passed the teahouse, he glanced in, and Yan Beichen was no longer there.

Jiang Youzhi did not go to Guozijian, but to Fanlou.

He walked to a private room in the north building, opened the door, and saw Lin Shuo sitting at the table drinking alone.

Jiang Youzhi glanced at Lin Shuo and saw his brows furrowed, "What's wrong?"

Lin Shuo was silent for a while, then sighed, "My family let me marry."

Jiang Youzhi picked up a cup of tea and just took a sip, and almost spit it out, squinting at Lin Shuo, "It's not a good thing to get married? What a sigh."

Lin Shuo shook his head, "I don't want to get married. You have seen what happened to my family. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes."

Jiang Youzhi put down the teacup and said disapprovingly, "Brother Lin, you stopped eating because of choking."

"It is all over the world, and there are not many situations like yours."

Lin Shuo's face collapsed.

Jiang Youzhi continued: "Most of the couples in the world are good-looking and divorced, and nothing has happened. Isn't life the same?"

Lin Shuo said resentfully: "You and Doctor Gu are in love with each other, how do you know my pain, I don't even know what my fiancee looks like."

Jiang Youzhi raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you are already engaged?"

Lin Shuo shook his head, "Not yet, I didn't agree. Didn't this come to discuss with you?"

Jiang Youzhi thought for a while, "Can you resist getting married?"

Lin Shuo smiled bitterly, "My father promised me well before, saying that he would let me go to Xiangcheng as a defense, but now I regret it, saying that if I want to leave, I have to wait until I become a biological child. No matter what, the Marquis of Wu'an cannot be broken. incense."

"My mother-"

"My mother took Dr. Gu's medicine, but she was all well, but she was unhappy all day."

"She begged me last night, saying that even if I wanted to leave, I had to give birth to a child before leaving. Otherwise, neither she nor my father would have the courage to live."

Lin Shuo suddenly choked and said: "Brother Jiang, do you know? The most terrifying thing is that I really feel that my father and my mother, both of them have become ashes, living like corpses, but they still care about me, so He didn't take his own life with his own hands."

Jiang Youzhi was silent.

After a long while, he said: "In this case, a happy event may dilute some of the sadness in their hearts."

"The birth of a new life can bring hope and responsibility to them all."

"Sometimes, responsibility and hope are what drives us to survive in this world."

He recalled that when he broke his leg, the doctor asserted that he would be a lame man in the future, and the family could not get any money to treat him. At that time, he lost all hope and despaired.

It was because he realized that he still had responsibilities on his shoulders, his mother, Liulang Sanya, and even Jiaojiao were all his responsibilities. When he died, they didn't know how miserable their situation would be, so he gritted his teeth and stood up.

Lin Shuo looked straight at the wine glass in front of him, his expression was helpless and sad, "I know, it's also because of my responsibility, because I thought about my parents, that I didn't kill myself after killing my biological mother."

"But I'm really scared. I'm destined to not be able to give my wife affection. I'm afraid that after getting married, it will be a tragedy for two people."

Jiang Youzhi glanced at him and lowered his eyes.

He didn't ask him why he was destined not to give his wife affection.

After a long while, he raised his head and said slowly, "I think you can go and see the girl who is about to get engaged with you."

"Perhaps she doesn't expect to get affection from you at all, and she may only want the seat of Mrs. Wu'an Hou Shizi."

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