The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 701: Three quarters of noon

Jiang Youzhi in the crowd narrowed his eyes and gave A Qiu a wink. A Qiu flicked his finger and a small stone hit Yan Beichen's temple accurately. Yan Beichen, who was already covered in bruises, fainted. , his neck leaned softly on the cage.

Jiang Youzhi didn't want to knock him out at first, and letting him suffer awake is the punishment.

Unexpectedly, Yan Beichen was dying and wanted to struggle to the death.

Then don't give him a chance to speak again.

Now it's just a little more troublesome, Yan Beichen must be headed to the ground today.

Wang Yuan, the supervisor of the beheading officer, was his confidant specially sent by Zhang Zhen, the minister of Dali Temple. Wang Yuan also hoped that Yan Beichen and his son would be brought to justice as soon as possible, but as we all know, the emperor's heart is to take back the sixteen states of Youyun, not only the emperor, but also the emperor. The common people and courtiers are also looking forward to taking back the sixteen states of Youyun.

Lord Wang dare not not report.

With a sullen face, he summoned an officer and ordered a few words, and the officer mounted and walked towards the palace.

At the same time, A Qiu also squeezed out from the crowd.

The sun quickly moved to the middle of the sky, and a soldier who looked at the leak shouted: "Lord Ben, it is two quarters of noon."

Lord Wang waved his hand with a sullen face, and the officers and soldiers took Yan Beichen and his son out of the prison car.

Yan Beichen, who passed out, was dragged on the ground for a while and woke up.

The officers and soldiers began to make the final preparations before the execution. They first checked their bodies, and then stripped off the clothes on the upper body of the Yan family and their sons, tied their hands behind their backs, and knelt on the ground.

Yan Beichen's face was bloody and he didn't make a sound. He was extremely weak now and had to save some energy.

Although he fainted just now, he knew very well that Mr. Wang did not dare not report it, and he must have sent someone to the palace.

He is waiting.

This strength must be reserved for the most critical time.

Seeing that it was about three quarters of noon, the Yan family's father and son were firmly pressed on the shoulders by the officers and soldiers, and their hair was also pulled forward by the officers and soldiers, exposing a bare neck, which was for the convenience of the executioner's knife.

Beheading is a technical job.

The knife must be fast, the position must be accurate, and the force must be skillfully used to cut off the cervical vertebra with one blow.

After a while, the soldier's voice sounded again, "It's three o'clock in the afternoon!"

As soon as the soldier's voice fell, Yan Beichen finally used his last strength to shout, "Wang Yuan, you can't kill me now, the emperor's will is coming soon! Can you bear the responsibility!"

Wang Yuan frowned, and at this moment, someone in the crowd shouted: "The duty of the supervisor to behead an officer is to execute the beheading at 3:00 noon. As long as the adults act according to the rules, there is nothing wrong with it!"

It was Jiang Youzhi's bodyguard who made the sound.

Under Jiang Youzhi's instruction, the guard continued: "If your lord doesn't cut it out after the time has passed, the top will be investigated, can you afford it!"

Wang Yuan thought about what Shangguan Zhang Zhen had told him before he came, and he must not delay and give Yan Beichen a chance to survive.

Wang Yuan's heart swayed, he took out the token from the table and threw it on the ground. He shouted in a rage, "The hour has come, let's cut!"

At this moment, the soldiers he sent had just finished reporting to the emperor.

He could have arrived at the palace a quarter of an hour earlier, but halfway through the ride, the horse he was riding was hit in the eye by a stone from nowhere.

He had to rely on two legs to walk over, and the speed of walking was naturally very slow.

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