The officials on Da Chu's side were not only Shoufu Lord Zhou, but also some officials from the Ministry of Rites.

The Minister of Rites, Du Wei, frequently toasted Wanyan Zhang and Wu Lin Dahai under the emperor's signal.

With the sound of silk and bamboo, the atmosphere in the hall gradually became lively.

The emperor felt that the time was almost up, and gave Empress Zheng a wink.

Empress Zheng smiled and toasted Wanyan Zhang with a glass of wine, "I heard that the second prince has not yet married a concubine, what does the second prince think of our great Chu woman?"

A few days ago, officials from the Great Chu side proposed the idea of ​​marriage, but Wanyanzhang didn't answer the question.

The emperor is now determined to send the princess to have a marriage. In his opinion, Heqin can better maintain the relationship between the two countries.

Now that Dajin is strong and strong, Dachu feels like sitting on needles and needles.

The emperor had already agreed with Empress Zheng that she would test it.

She is a woman, and she only thinks that she is chatting with her son and nephew.

After listening to Empress Zheng's words, Wanyan Zhang was about to tactfully refuse, when suddenly a move occurred in her heart, she raised her glass and said with a smile, "The women of Great Chu are gentle and beautiful, of course it's very good."

"This king is trying to bring a woman from Great Chu back to my Great Jin Dynasty, but I don't know if the emperor and the queen are willing to give up their love."

Hearing this, the emperor waved his hand and said, "No matter which woman the second prince takes a fancy to, she is my princess, and I am also willing to give up my love."

He felt that what he said was very clear, and he was willing to marry the princess.

Wanyan Zhang smiled lightly, "Is this true?"

The emperor said: "You have no jokes."

Wanyan Zhang put down the wine glass, "If that's the case, then this king will just say that the woman this king wants is Doctor Gu of Renxintang."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and for a moment did not remember who Dr. Gu was.

The queen's face changed immediately, she smiled apologetically: "The second prince probably doesn't know yet, this doctor Gu is already married, and now he is the wife of the British prince."

When Wanyanzhang came two years ago, he thought that Gu Yunjiao was from the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion and did not dare to do anything. Then he took people back to Jin, and the matter was put aside.

This time, he asked his subordinates to inquire, and he soon found out the exact news, so he knew Gu Yunjiao's identity well.

Wanyan Zhang smiled at Empress Zheng, "The Empress has misunderstood. Doctor Gu is a genius doctor. This king just wants to invite Doctor Gu to Huining to see my mother."

The emperor heard it, "Just to see a doctor? Then—"

Halfway through the conversation, she was interrupted by Empress Zheng, "Second Prince, since he is seeing a doctor, it would be fine for the Second Prince to go to Renxintang in private to ask Doctor Gu. It's not worth talking about here."

She smiled and said: "Today the two countries signed a treaty, it is a day of great joy, this palace will give another cup to the second prince."

Wanyan Zhang raised his glass and sighed slightly, "But Doctor Gu refuses to go to Huining with this king, so this king can only turn to the emperor and queen for help."

The smile on Empress Zheng's face could not be hung up.

The emperor also reacted a bit. Doctor Gu has already married a woman, and he will go to Huining with Wanyanzhang. Do you still want this festival?

If it's someone else, it's fine. Doctor Gu is his nephew's daughter-in-law. If he really wants to force her to go, the eldest princess won't take a break.

The emperor hurriedly gave Du Wei a wink, signaling him to pull the topic away.

Based on the relationship between Du Wei and Jiang Zhongxing, without the emperor's signal, Du Wei was also preparing to help. He smiled and said, "The second prince is here in Da Chu this time, do you know if you can play around?"

Wanyanzhang said lightly, "Never."

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