Gu Yunjiao's expression also changed, "What did the imperial court plan?"

Mrs. Wu clenched her fists and stood up, "Your Majesty, he passed the throne to the Crown Prince yesterday!"

Gu Yunjiao was shocked, something very familiar suddenly flashed in her mind.

But at this time, she didn't have time to distinguish these things, and continued to listen to Mrs. Wu: "This is not enough, the emperor—no, after the emperor passed the throne, he planned to leave the emperor to guard the city, and brought a few underage princes and princesses with her. The empress and concubines escape!"

"Now, the Emperor Taishang wants to run away, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty do not want to resist. They all say that they want to negotiate peace, and insist on fighting with the Jin army. Only the grandfather of the country, a few generals of the forbidden army, and Du Shangshu."

Gu Yunjiao lost her voice, "What if I don't resist? Do you simply surrender?"

Even before the enemy came to the city, the Emperor Taishang made a show of passing the throne, and then he planned to leave the entire capital's subjects and leave, what kind of dog emperor.

Mrs. Wu was so angry, "Baiguan is now discussing who to send to make peace with Jin, but they don't have any seeds, so they don't dare to go."

Gu Yunjiao was also annoyed, "Didn't they say that the capital has three walls, and they are impregnable, so they don't even plan to try it?"

Mrs. Wu sneered, "The emperor's temperament is weak, and now this group of courtiers is exactly the same as the emperor."

Gu Yunjiao looked at Ruru who was still crawling on the ground, and then thought about Liu Lang and Sanya of the Chen family, as well as her own father and younger brother, such a large family, old and young, if the capital was invaded by Jin, it was hard to guarantee that they would not Burning, killing and looting, what should we do at that time?

Grandpa Guo and Madam Wu, even if they have a kung fu, are insignificant in the face of thousands of troops.

Gu Yunjiao didn't know what else she could do besides preparing some survival supplies.

Mrs. Wu held Gu Yunjiao's hand, "Jiaojiao, the grandfather of the state is leading the battle in the court. At this time, you and I, as the people of the state's mansion, cannot leave."

"If we leave, the officials and the common people will not have the courage to resist the Jin army."

Gu Yunjiao nodded slowly, "I know."

After eating with Mrs. Wu, Gu Yunjiao went back to her room worriedly.

When she went back to her room, she did the math. Today should be the day to receive Jiang Youzhi's letter, but she didn't receive it today.

I heard that the city gate is closed, maybe so, the letter can't be delivered.

Early the next morning, Gu Yunjiao went to Ren Xin Tang after greeting Mrs. Wu.

As she passed by the street in a carriage, Gu Yunjiao lifted the curtain to look at it, and clearly felt that the pedestrians on the street had some fearful expressions on their faces.

When they arrived at Renxintang, Gu Yunjiao dragged her father to the backyard, "Father, don't sell the patented medicines such as Baiyao Dieda Oil Huo Perfume these days. In case Jin people come in, we may not be able to use them ourselves."

Gu Yuheng nodded solemnly, "Have you heard any news at the Duke's Mansion?"

Gu Yunjiao sighed, "The emperor passed the throne to the crown prince, Dad knows."

Gu Yuheng nodded, "I heard that the salute was fired, and I also issued a notice."

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "It is said that the Emperor Taishang took his sons, daughters, queens, concubines and concubines to run away from the South City Gate quietly last night."

"Now that the emperor is in the palace, the grandfather of the country is begging the emperor not to give up resistance. The emperor has appointed the grandfather of the country as a general to preside over the war." This is the news she got from Mrs. Wu early in the morning.

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