Jiang Zhongxing felt that if he was in the position of the Supreme Emperor, he would not run away first, and if he was captured, he would commit suicide immediately.

As the ruler of a country, how can he ignore the overall situation of the country and the life and death of the people in order to survive!

He insisted on defending the city until now, and the reinforcements have arrived. The good situation was completely ruined by this faint king!

Jiang Zhongxing suddenly remembered what his son had said to him. He is loyal to the Great Chu, but he does not have to be loyal to the king!

King and Great Chu are sometimes not the same thing.

At this moment, Jiang Zhongxing realized this very deeply.

To be loyal to the king is to betray Chu, and to be loyal to Chu is to betray the king.

Where to go?

And this king is his own uncle!

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the soldiers in the Jin army barracks had already formed a team, and soon they were marching towards the city gate.

Jiang Zhongxing stood at the head of the city, squinting and shouting, "Enemy attack, all departments get ready!"

He stared at the army of Dajin below, and suddenly found that there was a very unsightly thing in this army, which destroyed the neat beauty of the Jin army.

A bright yellow yellow umbrella canopy is sandwiched in it, the color is so bright and dazzling that it is impossible to ignore it.

Jiang Zhongxing gritted his teeth while looking at the umbrella cover.

He watched the Jin army march forward with cold eyes, and as soon as they were in range, he would order the soldiers to shoot with bed crossbows.

However, the Jin army stopped when it was about to enter the range.

The yellow Luo umbrella cover moved slowly, and finally moved from the middle of the team to the front, and then moved forward.

It was not until under the city that Huang Luo's umbrella cover stopped moving.

At this time, a high-pitched voice amplified by a loudspeaker sounded, "The Supreme Emperor of Chu is here, and the Supreme Emperor has a decree to order the officers and soldiers in the city to open the city gate immediately, welcome the Taishang Huang to return to the city, and respectfully invite the envoys of Jin to enter the city for peace talks."

Jiang Zhongxing looked extremely cold, he made a decision in an instant, he stretched out his hand, and the soldier next to him handed over a bow.

This bow is much larger than the bows used by soldiers, and the whole body of the bow is black and shiny.

Jiang Zhongxing took an arrow and slowly opened the bow, bending the bow like a full moon, aiming at the Huangluo umbrella. Huang Luo's umbrella cover is very large, completely covering the people below.

He instructed the soldiers next to him expressionlessly, "Speak."

"Just call the Emperor Taishang in the palace, don't think that you want to pretend to be the Emperor Taishang just by getting a Huangluo umbrella."

The soldier also took a loudspeaker and shouted to the city: "Our Taishanghuang is in the palace well, and the barbarians of Jin are not going to talk nonsense. Don't think that you can pretend to be Taishanghuang by getting a Huangluo umbrella cover."

Wanyanzhang narrowed his eyes when he heard the shouting, "Remove the umbrella cover, revealing the face of the Emperor Taishang facing the soldiers on the city wall!"

"Let them see clearly!"

The umbrella cover was quickly removed, revealing the face of the Emperor Taishang.

The supervisor, who was not far from Jiang Zhongxing, was shocked, "What a great emperor!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a pitch-black feather arrow headed straight for the Emperor Taishang.

The supervisor lost his language ability for a while, and watched the arrow get closer and closer to the Emperor Taishang.

The Emperor Taishang suddenly pulled the eunuch beside him to block in front of him. At this moment, the feather arrow hit the eunuch's chest.

The Emperor Taishang hid behind the eunuch and shouted, "Zhonghang, is that you?"

"I am the Supreme Emperor, and also your uncle, so it's not a fake!"

Jiang Zhongxing was expressionless, took another arrow, and continued to shoot at the Emperor Taishang.

The arrow hit the eunuch again.

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