After returning to the mansion and entering the main courtyard, Jiang Zhongxing did not feel better when he saw Ruru crawling on the ground spitting out bubbles.

Ruru was originally his pistachio, and it would be good to hug Ruru in a big way.

At this moment, Ruru is useless.

Madam Wu said in surprise: "Why are you back, aren't you guarding the city?"

"I was planning to have someone bring you some clothes just now."

Jiang Zhongxing let out a long sigh, "No need, I'm fired."

Madam Wu was shocked, "How could it be!"

Gu Yunjiao next to her was also surprised. This month, the grandfather of the country has firmly defended the capital, and the cost of casualties is very small. Now the people in the capital are talking about the grandfather of the country. Who doesn't give a thumbs up?

Jiang Zhongxing sneered as he told about the capture of Emperor Taishang.

Madam Wu said angrily, "Why didn't you kill him?"

Jiang Zhongxing's lips moved, "I did it, but I failed."

Madam Wu stood up, "I'll go."

"I sneaked into the Jin army's camp tonight and killed that old thing!"

Jiang Zhongxing shook his head, "It's too late, it's useless."

"Even if you kill the Emperor Taishang now, you won't be able to stop the peace talks."

Mrs. Wu gritted her teeth, "That's going to kill you too."

Jiang Zhongxing held her hand, "Killers are sinners in the world, and they will surely bear the infamy of the ages."

"Besides, it's useless to kill the Emperor Taishang and the Emperor, we can't kill all those weak courtiers!"

Madam Wu sat down slumped.

Gu Yunjiao sighed silently beside her.

Ruru climbed to Jiang Zhongxing's feet and patted his boots with her little hands.

Jiang Zhongxing bent down and picked her up, Ruru giggled and put her fingers in her mouth.

Jiang Zhongxing took her finger away, "Forget it, I don't care, it's enough for me to have Ruru."

When it was about noon for dinner, the eunuch came to pass the decree again.

Jiang Zhongxing was extremely impatient and said to the eunuch: "What do you want your grandfather to do in the palace?"

The eunuch accompanies him carefully, "Master Guo, someone needs to go out of the city now to discuss the specific peace talks with the people of Jin."

"The courtiers have elected the prince of the country."

Jiang Zhongxing glared and cursed angrily, "Bah, those bastards dare not go by themselves!"

"Go back to the emperor, if you don't go to talk to Lao Tzu, if you have the ability, you will kill Lao Tzu!"

The corners of the eunuch's mouth twitched, and he walked away in despair.

When they went back to the court, there was another quarrel, and no one was willing to go out of the city to discuss with the people of Jin.

Suddenly someone came up with an idea: "Your Majesty, why don't you speak up on the tower and let Jin State send envoys into the city for peace talks."

As soon as these words were said, the officials praised one after another, "Okay, this method is the best."

Du Wei looked at these people with cold eyes, and suddenly came out: "It is not impossible to let the envoy of Jin state into the city."

"It's just that the city gate must not be opened, and the messenger must use a hanging basket to enter the city."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, then nodded again and again, "Du Aiqing's words are reasonable, so let's do it like this."

The emperor quickly sent the eunuch to the city wall to upload a message.

When Wanyanzhang got the news, he quickly asked Wen to write a letter, and put the letter in a hanging basket and sent it to the city wall.

The deputy commander did not have the confidence of the grandfather of the country, and did not dare to open the letter to check it privately, and directly handed the letter to the supervisor.

The supervisor sent the letter to the palace and presented it to the emperor.

It turned out that Wanyanzhang's letter stated that the messenger entered the city from the hanging basket, losing the state of Dajin, and asked Dachu to send messengers to the military camp of Jin for peace talks.

There was a lot of noise in the court hall, and for a long time, there was no candidate for peace talks.

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