After comforting the Chen family, Gu Yunjiao went to Mrs. Wu's place again. At this time, the maid in Jiang Han's yard came to report, "Second Young Master sent the young master to the Second Young Master's yard and went back to her parents' house."

The little young master was born by the pregnant maid, but after the maid gave birth to the little young master, the little young master disappeared, and the little young master was always carried by Ling Wei.

Madam Wu waved her hand, "Don't care about her."

She then asked Butler Lin to lead someone to bury all the things in the warehouse into a secret cellar.

Butler Lin was taken aback when he entered the warehouse. All the things were less than half, and there was not much money left.

He hurriedly followed to the main courtyard to report to Mrs. Wu, Gu Yunjiao said, "I moved some of the things inside, lest if the city breaks, the people of Jin will get it for nothing."

Butler Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

After burying the rest, Steward Lin took some silver as instructed, cut it with silver scissors, and weighed it on the scorpion.

Every time a servant came to collect money, Steward Lin said tirelessly: "The madam and the eldest young mistress are worried about breaking the city, so I'll bring you some money by my side. Run for your own life."

Some of the servants knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the main courtyard, while others wiped away tears.

That night, the kitchen of the Duke's Mansion was brightly lit all night, and the cooks prepared a lot of cooked food, most of which were sent to Gu Yunjiao's house.

Gu Yunjiao put the cooked food into the medicine store.

The medicine storehouse was already full, and the treasures and gold and silver of the Duke's Palace alone took up more than half of the space in the medicine storehouse.

Gu Yunjiao also left two paths, one leading to the medicine cabinet and one leading to the bathroom.

Gu Yunjiao then took the time to go to the Baiyao workshop to stop their work.

After sending everyone out, Gu Yunjiao transferred all the finished and semi-finished products into the medicine store, not wanting to leave it to the people of Jin.

As for the perfume workshop, it stopped when the capital was besieged.

At this time, no one will buy it when it is produced.

The next morning, Gu Yunjiao got up, combed her hair at will, put on a commoner, and then came out of the room.

She was carrying a large bag in her hand, and the bag was also filled with baked cakes.

She closed the door and instructed Huixiang, "Go to Madam and ask, what's the situation at the city gate?"

Just as she was talking, Da Ya came over, "Young Mistress, I just got the news that Taoist Guo opened the city gate and took the front army out of the city to fight against the Jin army."

Gu Yunjiao held her forehead, "My God, doesn't he have a brain? There are only 30,000 to 40,000 troops left in the front of the palace. How to fight against 200,000 Jin troops, you only need to defend the city!"

The capital is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you hold the city, there may be reinforcements, and there will be a turning point!

She immediately instructed Huixiang Caiping, "Put what you have packed up, we will leave immediately, we can't delay for a moment."

A series of stupid and showy operations by the Emperor Taishang and the Emperor gave the capital to the Great Jin!

As Gu Yunjiao walked out, she instructed Caiping, "Go and call Aunt Chen and the others, let's go through the back door."

The big girl nodded, "Mrs. also meant to leave immediately."

Gu Yunjiao walked to the back door and waited for a while. First, the mother and son of the Chen family came over. They also carried their burdens and were still wearing the same common clothes as yesterday.

After a while, Mrs. Wu also came, holding Ruru in her hand, followed by Lin Qiao, the nurse, the housekeeper Lin, A Yun and a few guards.

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