At night everyone crowded into tents to sleep.

Liu Lang was very conscious and pulled Gu Chuan to sleep near the door.

The rest of the women huddled together and lay down.

When Gu Yunjiao was pregnant, her body was easily tired, and she was dazed as soon as she closed her eyes.

In a daze, she heard the color screen beside her and Huixiang whispering, "Fortunately we followed the eldest young lady, did you see it last night?"

Huixiang said: "I saw it. I was almost scared to death at the time. Fortunately, they didn't come to the carriage."

Cai Ping said faintly: "I made up my mind. If I am dragged away and spoiled by them, I will bite my tongue and kill myself."

Hui Xiang sighed and said nothing.

Gu Yunjiao heard it clearly, but she couldn't open her eyes, so she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Gu Yunjiao cleaned herself up and went to Wanyanzhang's palace.

The large group walked for almost twenty days and arrived in Changning.

When they arrive in Changning, half of the 100,000 men will come out and stay nearby to farm.

The Supreme Emperor of Chu, the emperor, the queen concubine, the princess, the officials and family members of the third rank and above in the capital were all ordered to wait for Wanyan Zhang in Changning at this moment, and then set off together to go to Duning, the capital of Jin.

Wanyanzhang ordered repairs for two days.

Gu Yunjiao didn't go to Wanyanzhang this morning. She estimated that when she arrived in Changning, Wanyanzhang must have a lot of things to deal with. Today, there is neither bullfighting nor storytelling.

After eating pancakes and wild vegetables and wolfberry in the morning, Gu Yunjiao took a walk near the camp.

She didn't dare to go too far. The soldiers around here knew her and treated her respectfully.

It was almost evening when Wanyanzhang's personal soldiers came over again and threw their hands at Gu Yunjiao, "Second Prince, please invite Doctor Gu to the banquet."

Gu Yunjiao tidied up briefly, changed her clothes, thought about it, brought her big girl, got on the carriage brought by her personal soldiers, and left.

Although Daya has no inner strength now, she is almost healed now, her reaction speed is still there, she is still tall and strong, with her around, Gu Yunjiao will feel a little more secure.

Changning is a big city, and the banquet is set in a palace in Changning.

Gu Yunjiao got off the carriage and followed the soldiers into the palace. After walking for a while, she entered a large hall.

The hall is brightly lit.

The entire hall was covered with thick carpets, and tables were placed along both sides of the hall.

Gu Yunjiao glanced roughly, and the people sitting behind the table were almost all tall and strong, and at first glance they were people of Jin.

At the top of the hall, Wanyan Zhang was sitting high.

On Wanyanzhang's left are the Emperor Taishang and the Empress Dowager Zheng, both of them bowing their heads.

Below the two are the emperor and the queen.

Wanyanzhang's right hand side is Wulindahai.

Seeing Gu Yunjiao entering, Wanyanzhang raised his hand, "Give me a seat."

The maid quickly bowed her head in Wulindahai and displayed a table.

Gu Yunjiao sat down slowly.

At this time, someone in the hall said: "Second Prince, I heard that Princess Da Chu is so beautiful, and the ladies of Da Chu are all beautiful, why don't you ask them to come over and pour wine for us."

Wanyan Zhang nodded slightly, "Yes."

The Emperor Taishang, who was sitting under his hand, moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but soon closed his mouth again.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the princesses and ladies of the Great Chu were escorted in by the soldiers.

Gu Yunjiao saw many familiar faces in it.

Princess Shoukang, Ling Wei, Chu Danning, and Princess Huaiqing, who is the most beautiful in Chu, are also among them.

Princess Huaiqing was twenty-five or six years old and had already been married.

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