The medical officer came in quickly, and Wanyan Zhang said with a blank face, "Go and grab a pair of abortion pills."

The medical officer glanced at Gu Yunjiao's belly, "The month is a little old, so it might be a little difficult to abort the fetus."

Wanyanzhang said coldly, "If one pair is not enough, then two pairs. In short, the child will be shot down."

The medical officer lowered his head, "This—"

"Reporting to the second prince, if the dose is increased, the adult's life may be in danger."

Wanyanzhang suddenly became furious, "Then tell me, is there any way to get the fetus out of her womb!"

The medical officer stammered in fright, "Bei, second prince, small, small, you can only control the dose as much as possible."

Wanyan Zhang waved his hand impatiently, "Go and prescribe the medicine!"

The doctor withdrew.

Gu Yunjiao has calmed down now, she slowly knelt on the ground, looked up at Wanyanzhang, "I beg the second prince to let me keep this child."

"I can hand over the secret recipes of Baiyao and Dieda Oil to the second prince, and I just ask the second prince to be kind to keep my child." She knocked down hard, and her head made a muffled sound on the white marble floor tile.

Wanyan Zhang squinted at the woman who was kneeling on the ground.

This was the first time she showed humility in front of him.

This is also what he wants to see, her surrender.

But for some reason, she made him feel uncomfortable.

He still liked to see Gu Yunjiao, who had small notes on his face and talked to him very casually.

A burst of irritability rose from the bottom of my heart, and Wanyanzhang said coldly, "The formula for Baiyao?"

"Didn't all your recipes belong to me long ago?"

"Are you negotiating terms with me now with my things?"

Gu Yunjiao raised her head, "No, although I am indeed the second prince's prisoner, I can choose to die rather than take out the formula."

Wanyanzhang looked at the red mark on Gu Yunjiao's forehead just kowtowed, and sneered, "Would you rather die than take it out?"

"Doctor Gu, you think too highly of yourself. Your family members are all in my hands. If I kill them, it's almost like crushing a few ants. I don't believe it. You value the secret recipe more than your family's. Lives still matter."

Gu Yunjiao was speechless.

Wanyan Zhang firmly grasped her weakness.

And she really has no bargaining chips.

In other words, Wanyanzhang had far more chips than she had.

She reached out and stroked her stomach, and at this moment, she felt her stomach tighten.

It's fetal movement!

This was the first time Gu Yunjiao felt fetal movement.

The corners of her lips were just raised, and in an instant she burst into tears.

Her children will move, but the living children will soon be gone.

At this moment, Gu Yunjiao couldn't help but burst into tears.

She knew that she had nothing to do, she was just a prisoner, and she had no ability to protect her children.

Wanyan Zhang looked at the woman below and began to cry.

She cried so indescribably, tears and snot came out, but her expression seemed to be heart-wrenching.

Wanyanzhang frowned, he didn't like Gu Yunjiao who was servile in front of him, and he didn't like Gu Yunjiao who was crying.

He scolded, "Don't cry!"

Hearing this voice, Gu Yunjiao shook, gritted her teeth, and stopped crying.

Seeing her appearance, Wanyanzhang above felt even more ugly.

He said impatiently, "I won't drink this medicine for the time being."

"The medical officer can't control the dose. If something goes wrong, there will be no one to cure the mother's disease."

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