The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 775 The new emperor ascends the throne

Gu Yunjiao was not worried that someone would find out that they were eating meat. Their carriage was caught in the queue of Jin soldiers transporting supplies, and it was still far away from the royal family's cattle caravan and the common people's team.

And the soldiers of the Jin army were also used to the special nature of this carriage, and they didn't care about them at all.

Gu Yunjiao couldn't help but smile bitterly, this could be regarded as Wanyan Zhang's blessing.

The next day, Wanyanzhang sent someone to call Gu Yunjiao over.

After Gu Yunjiao passed by, she sat there with her eyes down and waited for Yan Zhang's order.

Wanyanzhang did not make a sound for a long time.

After a while, he stared at Gu Yunjiao and said slowly, "The child in your womb, keep it if you want."

Gu Yunjiao couldn't believe it, "Really?"

Wanyan Zhang nodded slightly.

Gu Yunjiao showed a relieved smile, and sincerely said to Wanyanzhang, "Thank you, Second Prince."

The corners of Wanyan Zhang's lips twitched, "Then how are you going to thank me?"

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "How about I teach the second prince a new game?"

Wanyanzhang looked at Gu Yunjiao in a good mood, "Forget it, I just ate, I'm very sleepy, I'll talk about it later."

Gu Yunjiao was about to get up to wash the car, and Wanyan Zhang waved her hand, "You are here to rest, and when you wake up, talk about "Journey to the West"."

The carriage was very large, Gu Yunjiao moved aside and sat against the wall of the carriage.

The carriage was slightly bumpy, and she closed her eyes unconsciously, and soon the person slowly slid down the wall of the carriage, and her head fell on the couch.

Wanyanzhang glanced at Lin Shishi, "Bring a cushion for her to rest on."

Lin Shishi took the cushion over and carefully placed Gu Yunjiao's head on the pillow.

The carriage couch was covered with thick cushions, and a cool mat was placed on the cushions. With a slight bump, it was really comfortable to sleep on.

When Wanyanzhang woke up, Lin Shishi glanced at Wanyanzhang when she saw that Gu Yunjiao was still asleep.

She quickly discovered that Wanyanzhang had no intention of waking up Gu Yunjiao at all, and took out a book to read.

Lin Shishi looked at Gu Yunjiao, and secretly glanced at Wanyanzhang, she always felt...

In the evening, the convoy stopped, the rhythmic bumps disappeared, and Gu Yunjiao suddenly woke up.

Wanyanzhang had already got off the car. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Gu Yunjiao quickly slipped out of the car and went back to her tent.

After a few days, Gu Yunjiao stayed in Wanyanzhang's carriage during the day.

Sometimes playing cards, sometimes telling stories.

Sometimes I listen to Lin Shishi play the piano, or watch Lin Shishi play chess with Wanyan Zhang.

This day, just after lunch, Gu Yunjiao was a little drowsy, and Wu Linda sailed into the car, "Second Prince, I have news of the Great Chu to report." Then she glanced at Gu Yunjiao.

Gu Yunjiao got up knowingly and planned to get out of the car.

Wanyan Zhang waved his hand, "You don't need to go down."

Even if she knew the news of her motherland, she would never go back to Da Chu in her life.

Gu Yunjiao naturally wanted to know the news of Da Chu, she moved to the window and pretended to look outside, but her ears were pricked up.

Wu Lindahai said: "I just received the news that King Kang became emperor in Xiangcheng."

Gu Yunjiao's hand unconsciously clenched into a fist.

The only princes who have grown up are the emperor, Ping Wang, and Kang Wang.

Because King Kang was not very fond of the emperor, he was sent to the fief Xiangcheng early, while King Ping remained in the capital.

The other immature princes of the Emperor Taishang, as well as several princes of the emperor, were all taken by the people of Jin this time, and King Kang was the only one who was not in the capital.

It can be said to be the only candidate for the throne.

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