The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 777: Prison Offering Ceremony

We arrived in Huining the next morning.

Gu Yunjiao and the others shared a carriage, and two bullock carts entered the city.

A team of personal soldiers sent them to a house, leaving a few people to guard them, and the rest left.

After walking for more than two months, I finally settled down temporarily.

Madam Tian Caiping Huixiang Lin Qiao and the others were busy tidying up the house, while Gu Yuheng and Uncle Du went to the well to fetch water.

There wasn't much dust in the house, and someone should have come over to clean it often.

Gu Yunjiao held her stomach and looked around. The two-way yard was enough to live in and had furniture, but there was no bedding or pots and pans.

After Gu Yuheng fetched water, Gu Yunjiao gave him a piece of silver, "Dad, you will try it later, and then you say you want to go out to buy something, and the soldiers guarding the gate will not let you out."

Gu Yuheng walked to the door and said a few words to the soldier, who shook his head.

Gu Yuheng turned to Gu Yunjiao and said, "They won't let me go out. They say that if they want to buy things, they can only send the servants at home to buy them."

Gu Yunjiao sighed, and called Mrs. Tian and Uncle Duan, and said while gesturing, "Buy thin quilts, per head, and mattresses too, it looks like it's still summer, it's cold in the morning and evening, besides, it's already August, and we'll be in soon. Autumn."

"If you buy pots and pans again, I have to buy a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone for me."

"Buy some more rice and vegetables, and I'll have to cook later."

Gu Yunjiao couldn't think of what she needed for a while, "That's all for now, buy what you need."

"Uncle dumb drives the car, be careful when you go out."

Uncle dumb drove the car and left with Mrs. Tian.

Gu Yunjiao entered the room and said to Mrs. Wu, "When I buy the pen and ink, I will make a prescription for my mother."

Mrs. Wu nodded and whispered: "As long as my dantian can recover, my internal strength will be back soon, and then we will find a way to escape."

Gu Yunjiao rubbed her stomach and smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I'll have to wait until this child is born."

It is not easy to run with a big belly, and it is not convenient to disguise. It is not so easy to go back to Da Chu, which is thousands of miles away.

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Actually, it's fast. Didn't you say last time that the due date was at the end of November, and it's only three months."

The two quietly discussed a few more words, and decided to prepare for escape every day from now on.

How to avoid these guards, as well as the escape route, have to think carefully every day, so that there will be no loopholes.

Mrs. Tian and Uncle Du have been gone for a long time and haven't come back.

Fortunately, there are still some leftover rice, and the big iron pot. The porridge was cooked on the color screen, and everyone ate some random food.

It was almost evening that Uncle Du drove the carriage back.

Everyone went out to help get things.

The color screen muttered, "Why did you go for so long?"

Mrs. Tian sighed, "The girl doesn't know, several streets are not allowed to leave, and they say that it is a prisoner offering ceremony."

"We are unfamiliar, and it is difficult for me to hear their accent, and it is also difficult for them to listen to me, and it is difficult to find a place to buy things."

She paused, "I heard them say that the Empress Dowager, as well as the Emperor and Empress, all took off their shirts, dressed in sheepskins, and knelt on the ground to kowtow to the Emperor of Jin."

Huixiang said in surprise: "No way, the empress dowager and queen also have to undress?"

Mrs. Tian nodded vigorously, "Not only that, the same goes for those princesses and concubines. They all took off their shirts and knelt down to kowtow to the Emperor of Jin. People all over the street were talking about this."

Mrs. Tian was embarrassed to say how unbearable those Jin people were.

Men, in particular, spit all over the place, and their brows were beaming.

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