The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 782 Entering the Palace

Seeing her unhappy look, Wanyan Zhang couldn't help but said softly: "You think about it, the land is all outside the city, and the land in the suburbs has long been gone, and the land that has been distributed now is very far from the city, and you can ride horses. It will take a few days."

"I really want to let them pass, what do you think about them in the future?"

"It's great to be in the city. If you want to see them, you can go anytime."

Gu Yunjiao still did not speak, but remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Wanyan Zhang could only coax patiently: "I won't let you go out in the future, as long as you don't leave the city, you can do whatever you want, okay?"

Gu Yunjiao accepted it when she saw it, and nodded lightly.

The carriage returned to the palace.

Wanyanzhang got out of the car first, and when Gu Yunjiao stepped on the stool to get out of the car, he stretched out a hand to help.

Gu Yunjiao, as if she didn't see it, avoided his hand and got out of the car by herself.

The little servants and maids who were serving outside the second door all saw this scene, and they were all surprised.

The prince didn't even help the princess, who is this woman?

How dare you not give face to the prince!

Wanyan Zhang's face turned cold, he slowly retracted his hand, and then instructed the housekeeper who came over to greet him, "Go and tell Wang Fei, let her vacate Qin Xin Yuan and live with Miss Gu."

"The furnishings and bedding inside have been changed. I want the best."

The butler agreed and hurried away.

Wanyanzhang looked at Gu Yunjiao, "It will take a while to clean up the yard, so go and sit with me first."

Gu Yunjiao lowered her head, "I also asked the second prince to send someone to tell my family, so they don't worry."

Without Wanyan Zhang's instructions, he just glanced at the personal soldiers, and the personal soldiers mounted their horses and left.

Gu Yunjiao followed Wanyan Zhang into his courtyard.

When I entered, I saw the maids dressed in neat clothes, lined up in two rows in the yard, there were about a hundred maids.

When Gu Yunjiao told Wanyanzhang stories every day, she had seen these maids long ago, so it was not unusual.

She had heard Lin Shishi say that the officers of the Jin army had selected 200 beautiful women from Chu, 100 of them were given to Wanyanzhang and 100 to Wulindahai.

Gu Yunjiao saw Yang Ying and Lin Shishi among these maids.

Lin Shishi's position at the front was obviously the treatment of the eldest maid.

The two entered the house, and the maids hurriedly brought tea and water.

Wanyan Zhang only ordered, "Take care of Miss Gu." Then he went to the study in the front yard.

Without him here, Gu Yunjiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Shishi and Yang Ying both came, Lin Shishi sent the other maids away and whispered, "Why did you still enter this mansion?"

Gu Yunjiao smiled bitterly, and said about going to the palace, Lin Shishi's eyes flashed, but she held back what she wanted to say.

Yang Ying lowered her voice and said, "Then what are you going to do in the future?"

Are you really a concubine for the second prince? She was embarrassed to ask this.

Gu Yunjiao touched her stomach and sighed, "What else can I do, sir, let's talk about the child."

"Fortunately there are still a few months left."

Lin Shishi whispered: "I guess the second prince will let you pick a few maids from among us, or you will pick Yingying over."

Gu Yunjiao shook her head, "Follow me, it may not be good, I'm worried that it will affect you in the future." She would definitely find a chance to escape, no matter if she could escape or not, the maid who followed her would have no good end.

Yang Ying said, "I'm not afraid."

"I don't want to live for a long time. I'm earning every day I live now."

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