Gu Yunjiao didn't take the car in the palace and let Ah Tie drive her to see her.

The little ponies of the two eunuchs were in front, and after walking for a while, Gu Yunjiao instructed A Tie, "Go to the west gate of the palace."

Ah Tie obediently drove the carriage to turn.

The two eunuchs riding in front soon found that Gu Yunjiao's carriage was missing.

The two quickly looked around, but luckily the carriage hadn't gone far.

They quickly chased after them, stopped in front and asked A Tie, "What's the matter, why are you walking around, don't you know you're following us?"

Gu Yunjiao lifted the curtain of the car and said lightly, "I let him go through Xihuamen."

The eunuch said extremely unhappy: "Obviously go north and get closer to Ningmen!"

Gu Yunjiao smiled slightly, "I like to walk through Xihuamen."

Then he told Ah Tie, "Go!"

Ah Tie drove the carriage forward again.

The two eunuchs were so angry that they had to follow the carriage.

Arriving at Xihuamen, A Tie parked the carriage a few feet away from the city gate, and Gu Yunjiao got out of the carriage.

Go to the palace gate by yourself.

Officers and soldiers stood guard on both sides of the palace gate.

There are about ten palace guards on the left and right sides, and guards stand guard every zhang along the wall.

In addition, there are guards patrolling around the entire palace.

Gu Yunjiao got out of the car and walked near the gate of the palace. The two eunuchs led the horses and showed their badges for entering and exiting. Then they said to the guards, "This is Doctor Gu of Renxintang, and the concubine is summoning her."

The guard was about to release her, when Gu Yunjiao took out the golden waist badge of Madam Huguo and put it under the guard's eyelids, "I'm Madam Huguo, I want to see the sage, please eldest brother guard report it for me."

The guards saw the golden waist card, and soon went to the palace to report.

The two eunuchs were startled and said in a panic, "What are you going to do? It's obviously the imperial concubine who summoned you!"

Gu Yunjiao smiled lightly, "What's the hurry, it won't be too late for me to see the noble concubine after I see the saint first."

The two eunuchs didn't know what she meant.

The two hurriedly discussed it, one hurriedly entered the palace to report to the imperial concubine, and the other looked at Gu Yunjiao.

The guards came out not long after, and respectfully said to Gu Yunjiao, "Your Highness, please ask Madam Huguo to meet him in the imperial study."

After saying that the guards were leading the way, Gu Yunjiao followed behind.

The last time Gu Yunjiao came to the imperial study, Xihuamen was the closest palace gate to the imperial study, which was why Gu Yunjiao wanted to go this way.

When he arrived at the door of the imperial study, the little eunuch didn't dare to go forward when he was standing far away, and his head couldn't be lowered any further.

After the eunuch guarding the gate passed the message, Gu Yunjiao went in.

Today, there is no need to go to court. The sage was in the imperial study room to approve the papers. After entering Gu Yunjiao, entering the luggage, she put down her pen and said with a smile, "Mrs. Huguo, please get up."

He said in a familiar and cordial tone: "What is going on today, it's worth a special trip to the palace."

Gu Yunjiao knelt on the ground and did not get up.

He raised his head slightly and said, "Reporting to the sage."

"The minister's wife came from a humble background, and there are many things that you don't understand about the royal etiquette. I have something to do with entering the palace today. I would like to ask the sage to clarify the doubts."

The sage is extremely smart, and while calculating in his heart, he kindly said: "You say it."

Gu Yunjiao said, "I don't know that apart from the sage, there are other people who can pass oral orders to courtiers or wives?"

The sage's expression condensed slightly, "Apart from me, only the queen mother and the queen can pass oral orders to the ministers."

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