Some of the customers in the shop also heard Asong's shout, and some walked back out of curiosity.

Gu Yunjiao quickly gave Liu Zhu a wink and asked him to stop him.

After she and Yang Ying entered, they hurriedly closed the door so that they wouldn't flock to watch the fun for a while.

Just as Gu Yunjiao was about to go upstairs, she saw Lao Jiu run past them like a gust of wind.

Followed by the crying sister-in-law of Osmanthus.

Gu Yunjiao followed upstairs.

When I went upstairs to the last room, I saw Yingzi hanging upright on the beam, Ah Tie and Zhang Shun were hugging Yingzi's legs, and they both looked up.

Gu Yuheng was standing on a stool, holding a pair of scissors to cut the red sweat towel around Yingzi's neck.

The sweat towel was cut, and Yingzi's neck softened to the side. Zhang Shun and A Tie quickly put Yingzi on the ground.

Yingzi's eyes bulged a little, but her tongue hasn't come out yet.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus howled and jumped up.

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly said: "Get out of the way, I see if there is any help."

Sister-in-law Osmanthus stopped in her footsteps, squeezing the howl in her throat, covering her mouth and looking at Gu Yunjiao.

Gu Yunjiao first reached out to Yingzi's lower body.

Still dry, no excrement and urine came out.

Then, she put her finger on the side of Yingzi's neck and felt it for a while, only to find that there was still a faint pulse that was almost negligible.

Gu Yunjiao spoke very quickly: "Go get a big cock over here."

"And bring up a quick knife."

Lao Jiu ran out like crazy.

Gu Yunjiao shouted from behind him, "Where are you going?"

Lao Jiu had already run into the aisle outside and shouted, "I'm going to the vegetable market to buy roosters."

Gu Yunjiao rushed out, "Don't run around, there's a rooster underneath!"

Today's engagement happened to bring three animals, which were still in the yard at this time, and she had seen it before.

Gu Yunjiao pushed A Tie again, "Go get the knife."

Osmanthus sister-in-law dare not cry, crying at this time is not auspicious.

Downstairs, the relatives who brought betrothal gifts from the Shen family all came out of the main room and looked upstairs.

They all heard Asong's cry just now, and Lao Jiu was originally with the guests, but suddenly ran out like a madman.

At this time, the faces of the relatives of the Shen family were extremely ugly.

They got engaged below, and Yingzi hanged upstairs, and it was self-evident why.

A guy said: "What are we still doing, is it possible that we are still waiting to eat?"

"Hurry up and bring things back!"

Everyone was hesitating whether to leave, when Lao Jiu rushed down again, grabbed a big cock in the carrying box, and ran upstairs.

Ah Tie rushed into the west wing behind him and took a medicine-cutting knife.

He sharpened the knife for cutting medicine every day, and it was very sharp.

The two went upstairs one after the other.

Gu Yunjiao instructed Lao Jiu, "Come here with the chicken, yes, right at her neck."

Then he instructed Ah Tie, "Keep your hands sharp, and you'll be ripped open with one strike."

The chicken seemed to have a foreboding of its tragic fate, craned its neck and croaked.

Lao Jiu quickly pinched the rooster's neck, and the rooster couldn't croak.

Ah Tie's hand fell, and the rooster was disemboweled.

Chicken blood poured out from the abdominal cavity, and the five internal organs and intestines in the chicken's stomach flowed out.

Blood and viscera stuck together on Yingzi's neck.

Everyone didn't dare to make a sound, and all held their breaths, waiting to see if Yingzi could survive or not.

Gu Yunjiao was not sure whether Yingzi could survive or not.

She heard her grandfather talk about this method once.

She first touched Yingzi's lower body to see if it was wet, just to see if the stool came out. If it had come out, it would be useless.

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