"But Osmanthus sister-in-law is different. We are from the villagers, and the sister-in-law is really good. I can't bear to see my sister-in-law making such a difficult time, so I will say a few words." Gu Yunjiao looked at Osmanthus sister-in-law gently,

Sister-in-law Osmanthus hurriedly said, "Doctor Gu, just talk."

"I wanted to ask you to guide Yingzi for me."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "Sit, all sit."

"My words, whether Yingzi listens or doesn't, I'll only say it this time."

Yingzi lowered her head and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"People are different, and there has never been justice in the world."

"Some people are born in wealthy families, wearing gold and silver, Yingzi, do you still remember when you and your mother didn't come to Xiangcheng?"

Yingzi didn't say anything, Osmanthus said: "There are only two acres of land at home, Yingzi's father left early, I am a woman, and I have to do farm work, and I have to pull the children. Apart from paying taxes, there is not much left. ."

"You can only eat half full every day. The more you go on like this, the less energy you have to work and the worse the harvest in the fields."

Sister-in-law Osmanthus suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Yunjiao, "If Dr. Gu hadn't pulled me, our mother and son might have starved to death in the village."

Gu Yunjiao quickly pulled her up, "Sister-in-law Osmanthus, I didn't say this to make you appreciate me."

"I asked Yingzi to think, if you were still in the village, what kind of husband could you find?"

"It's nothing more than a peasant man next door who doesn't know a single big character. He is far inferior to the darling of the Shen family in the rice shop."

Yingzi bit her lip and said nothing.

Gu Yunjiao said unhurriedly, "Marriage is a good relationship between two surnames, and it is a matter of two families."

"Sanya can marry a jinshi because her third brother is the first assistant, and her sixth brother is a school captain."

"People marry her, as long as Sanya can get along, mainly for Sanya's third and sixth brothers."

She looked directly at Yingzi, "You don't have an official brother, let alone an official father. Why do you think people should marry you?"

"Just because you are prettier than Sanya?"

Yingzi's face turned red from the roots of his ears to his neck.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus was embarrassed for her daughter, but also felt that if she didn't say that, she was afraid that Yingzi would never wake up.

"Besides, Sanya got married, with 500 acres of land, a house with two entrances in the city, and a shop."

"Rao is like this. I don't even dare to choose those high-profile families for Sanya, for fear that people will look down on her and she will have a hard time in the future."

"I chose a Jinshi from a poor family for her, so that all aspects can be balanced, and it can be regarded as a good match."

Gu Yunjiao said unhurriedly, "What do you think is the right thing to do with Jinshi?"

She then chuckled, "As for me, I will not marry Saburo, and I am still the protector of the country today."

"Because I rely on my ability to heal and save people."

Gu Yunjiao looked at Yingzi and said ruthlessly, "Don't imagine that dignitaries and nobles have a crush on you because of your looks, and you will be soaring from now on."

"That requires heaven-defying beauty and heaven-defying luck. It's hard to find one among thousands of people, do you have one?"

Yingzi lowered her head stubbornly, and was about to cry.

Gu Yunjiao chuckled lightly, "Do you remember, the last time I went to Kaiyuan Temple, that Mr. Zhang clearly fell in love with you, why didn't they say anything about proposing marriage in the end?"

"What did that son Zhang have to say to you in the end? It's nothing more than a misunderstanding."

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