Gu Yunjiao said angrily, "I gave you a bath last time at home. What did you avoid?"

You'er blushed: "But I'm a man now." He pushed Gu Yunjiao into the room.

Gu Yunjiao had to enter the room, and Yang Ying followed. The two hid by the window and saw that Qi'er and You'er quickly stripped themselves completely.

The two soldiers held the buckets and slowly poured them down, while Qi'er and You'er quickly rubbed them with towels.

Gu Yunjiao looked back at Grandpa Guo.

The grandfather of the country said "ha", "It's hot water!"

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "That's good."

"I'm not afraid of freezing them, it's mainly because the pores are opened just after exercising, and the cold water is suddenly drenched, which is not good for the body."

The grandfather shook his head, alas, women are like this, for fear that their children will suffer.

Although Ruru was washing herself in the room, it was very fast.

After the three children took a bath, they sat properly at the dining table.

Grandpa Guo pointed to the vacant seat on the table, "Yun Jiao hasn't eaten yet, let's go together."

He called Lin Shuo again, "You too."

The breakfast has already been brought over, and it was quickly placed on the table. Gu Yunjiao looked at it. There was milk, meat, vegetables, and pasta. Although it was not as refined as the imperial palace, it was nutritious.

After dinner, several children looked at the grandfather and Gu Yunjiao eagerly.

Grandpa Guo coughed lightly, and just as he was about to speak, Gu Yunjiao said, "After dinner, shouldn't it be time to study?"

The three children immediately wilted. Today, when Gu Yunjiao came, they thought they could have a vacation.

Gu Yunjiao also got up, "I'm going back too, you all practice and study hard."

The children looked at her reluctantly, and Gu Yunjiao took turns to pat their heads, "Go."

The three children walked out obediently, looking back at her as they walked.

Gu Yunjiao looked into the eyes of the children, her heart was about to break, she waved her hand, and the three children walked away reluctantly.

After a few children left, Grandpa Guo said, "I came to see it in person, do you feel relieved?"

Gu Yunjiao said embarrassedly, "I just miss them a little bit."

"Don't disturb the grandfather, the daughter-in-law retire."

It was still early to return to the city, so Gu Yunjiao went directly to Renxintang.

There was no appointment today, but as soon as Gu Yunjiao sat down, the patient came.

An exquisite and gorgeous sedan chair was parked at the door, and the grandmother who followed the sedan chair walked in quickly, and saluted Gu Yunjiao with a smile, "Hello Madam Huguo."

Gu Yunjiao raised her brows slightly, only those officials knew that she was named Madam Huguo by the emperor, presumably this nanny was from an official family.

The maid then said: "The slave is from the scholar Han Shang of the Ministry of Officials. My young lady is suffering from tuberculosis, and I want to ask Doctor Gu for diagnosis and treatment, but my young lady is not good at making public appearances, so I don't know if I can go to the inner room for diagnosis and treatment."

Seeing her respectful attitude, Gu Yunjiao nodded, "Yes, there is room inside."

She instructed Ah Tie, "Go and open the side door."

Then he said, "Let Lao Jiu and Ah Er come out of the backyard." So as not to bump into Miss Han.

Artie is busy.

After a while, both the old ninth and the second came out of the backyard. Gu Yunjiao instructed the mammy, "Go in the sedan chair to the side door."

As soon as he entered the yard, the east wing was now inhabited by A Tie and his wife, and the main room was now unoccupied, and Gu Yunjiao had transformed it into a consulting room.

Gu Yunjiao stood at the door and watched the sedan chair come in, then the two maids helped a woman out of the sedan chair.

The woman described herself as thin and panting after walking two steps. She really walked like a weak willow supporting the wind. Gu Yunjiao was worried that her small waist would be broken.

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