The two walked to a secluded place, and Gu Yunjiao said softly, "Your lady, your body is exhausted, so you need to make up for it slowly."

"I have prescribed two prescriptions, one for food supplements and one for medicinal supplements. If you insist on taking them for two or three months, you will see results."

Mammy hurriedly greeted Gu Yunjiao, "Thank you, Doctor Gu."

Gu Yunjiao lowered her voice, "But there is one more thing."

"Go back and quietly report to your wife and ask her to go to Kaiyuan Temple to ask the abbot to give a talisman that is effective and hang it on your lady's bedside."

She thought about it, if Miss Han was Pan Lang imagined by herself, and she just forced her to swear to break up with Pan Lang, she was giving her a hint in her heart, or planting a heart anchor for her. Since then , her subconscious will know that it is wrong to continue to be with Pan Lang, and slowly she will stop this thought.

But if it is really strange, it can only be treated by eminent monks.

Mammy nodded solemnly, "The servant will report to Madam when she returns, thank you Doctor Gu."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and went forward.

After sitting for a while, a woman came in.

Gu Yunjiao's eyes lit up. This is the official matchmaker she entrusted to find a continuation for her father. At this time, she should have confidence.

Looking back, her father was sitting there reading a medical book she had written silently, and he didn't look this way at all.

She quickly got up and walked out, dragged the woman to the side door, and asked with a smile, "Do you have a letter?"

The matchmaker smiled, "I've been taking care of the shopkeeper these days, and the soles of my shoes are about to rot. I finally found a good one."

Gu Yunjiao said, "What's the best way?"

"You said you don't want to be a big family, and don't want to be young. The woman I'm looking for is just right. She is thirty-seven this year, so she's not too young."

Gu Yunjiao nodded, her father was forty-five years old this year, eight years older, and the age difference was not bad.

The old woman continued: "This Eleventh Niang was originally the daughter of a scholar, and she knew how to read and write since she was a child. Later, she married a family who opened a tofu workshop. She married this husband, who has been studying since childhood, and was also enlightened in her father's private school. , Her father saw that this child is smart and smart, and arranged a marriage for her early."

"I originally hoped that the husband would be honored and the wife would be honored. How could I know that within two years of marriage, my husband died suddenly, and he didn't even have a child."

"Eleven Niang didn't remarry, she helped make tofu at home, and pulled her brother-in-law and sister-in-law to grow up."

"My brother-in-law got married and helped them bring their children."

"Who knows that this uncle has no conscience. As soon as the two old people left, he drove out his sister-in-law and let her find a way to survive."

"Eleven mother went back to her mother's house. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She asked her father to borrow some money, rented a shop opposite her uncle's house, and sold tofu."

"The tofu of the two families was originally made the same way, and the taste was similar. There were also many people in these neighborhoods who sympathized with Eleven, so they all went to Eleven to buy tofu. My brother-in-law's tofu couldn't be sold, so there was a quarrel in Xun Eleven. several times."

"Fortunately, there are two younger brothers in Eleven's house, neither of whom are vegetarians. They came over and beat up the uncle. The uncle's slow tofu business couldn't go on, so he rented the shop to others, and now he only depends on the rent. To live, I and my mother-in-law are still doing odd jobs outside to support the family."

Gu Yunjiao clapped her hands, "Eleven Niang is great!" That's how she should clean up her unconscionable brother-in-law.

The matchmaker said proudly: "No, she can do it well. If your father marries her, she will be able to make it right for you outside the house."

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