The matchmaker told her carefully that this Doctor Gu is not only a famous doctor, but also the wife of the current Lord Shoufu.

And Lord Shoufu is the son of the grandfather of the country.

Also, shopkeeper Gu's son has passed the Juren entrance exam and is now traveling.

And although the shopkeeper Gu is a little older, he is a talented person and has a gentle temperament.

Eleven Niang flinched on the spot after hearing this, "How can a woman like me be worthy of such a high-ranking family?"

The matchmaker shook her head and said, "You don't know, Doctor Gu told me that what she wants to find for his father is not a lady, but a kind and capable person who knows both cold and heat to live with her father."

"Don't worry, if their family dislikes your condition, they won't let you look at each other."

Eleven Niang is still uneasy.

The matchmaker said: "What are you afraid of, you are also in your forties, and you have been in business for so many years, and you have never seen anyone."

"As long as you dress up beautifully and go to meet him generously, people will look down on him, and you won't lose anything if you meet him."

She smiled again: "People who know the etiquette, even if they don't like it, they will send a satin, you can't lose!"

The rules of seeing each other, they will give a hairpin when they like it, but they don't like to send a piece of fabric, so that the woman will not run away in vain.

Eleven Niang felt it made sense, so she came.

She had a long way to go, so she went out early. She came earlier, and Gu Yuheng hadn't arrived yet.

Eleven Niang was drinking tea when she suddenly heard the door slamming, she hurriedly stood up and moved towards the door.

I saw a middle-aged man coming in at the door.

The man was slightly taller than the local man in Xiangcheng, neither fat nor thin, wearing a dark blue brocade robe with a white hosta on his head.

The man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he has a bookish air that is different from ordinary people.

Eleven Niang just glanced at it, and the heart that had been silent for many years was beating rapidly.

She greeted Gu Yuheng with a blessing, "Hello, Brother Gu."

Gu Yuheng was also a little flustered here.

He looked at Eleven Niang, and felt that she was too young, she was born beautiful, her skin was white, her face was oval, and she was beautiful in life. He was worried that the other party would dislike his age.

He returned the salute to Eleven Niang, "Hello, girl."

The two of them sat down with blushing faces.

Eleven Niang picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea for Gu Yuheng, holding her hands in front of him.

Gu Yuheng took the tea, calmed down and coughed lightly, "I know everything about the girl."

"No one must have told the girl about my family's situation. I am taking care of the pharmacy now, and the money I earn is half my daughter's."

"The rest, if there is anything you want to know, just ask."

Eleven Niang lowered her head, "Yes, it's nothing, it's all good." She felt that with Gu Yuheng's conditions, she had nothing to choose from.

Gu Yuheng heard the hidden meaning in these words and was very satisfied with him.

He coughed again, "I think the girl is pretty good too."

"What do girls usually do at home?"

Eleven Niang said softly, "In addition to making tofu, I also do some needlework."

"Yes, sometimes I also read some text books to relieve my boredom."

The two chatted for almost half an hour, Gu Yuheng made up his mind, felt in his sleeve pocket, took out a white jade hairpin, put it on the table and pushed it towards Eleven Niang, "This hairpin, give it to my sister. Play with it."

Eleven Niang gave a soft "um" and slowly reached out and took the hosta.

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