Yingzi stared at the red brazier, fascinated.

The more she thought about it, the hotter her heart became. She looked at the handkerchief she had embroidered, and removed it from the stretcher. Cyan satin.

She often goes to the satin shop next door to play, and the proprietress will give her a few pieces of cloth when she is in a good mood. She keeps it well, and it really comes in handy today.

She tightened the silk and satin on the embroidered stretcher, and hurriedly began to trace the pattern.

She usually noticed that men's purses were mostly embroidered with plums, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums. After thinking about it, she decided to embroider a bunch of orchids and embroidered them overnight. Then tomorrow, when Gu Chuan gave her a gift, she could just use the purse as a gift. Return gift.

Yingzi was immediately full of energy, and went to the candlelight to embroider.

Overnight, a thick layer of snow fell on the ground.

Gu Yunjiao came over in the morning, afraid that Sister-in-law Osmanthus would go out to buy vegetables and wrestle, and asked Ah Tie to drive her to the vegetable market.

The two went for a long time before returning.

When she came back, Sister-in-Law Osmanthus complained: "Everything has gone up in price, and the price of sauerkraut has doubled, and the price of meat has also increased a lot."

Gu Yunjiao smiled, "It won't rise for a few days, just wait for the snow to melt."

Ah Tie helped Sister-in-law Osmanthus bring the dishes into the kitchen, and when she came out, she happened to meet Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan handed A Tie a small box, "Brother A Tie, I wasn't home when you got married. This is a gift for you and your sister-in-law."

Ah Tie took it over embarrassedly, "It cost you money."

Then Gu Chuan went into the kitchen again, and read a small burden to Sister-in-law Osmanthus, "This is for Yingzi and Asong to play."

Sister-in-law Osmanthus took it and thanked her again and again.

It was still early to cook. Sister-in-law Osmanthus went upstairs with her baggage, and happened to meet Yingzi coming out of the house. Yingzi looked at the baggage in her hand, "Mother, what is in your hand?"

Osmanthus smiled and said, "Master Chuan gave it."

Yingzi hurried over and snatched the burden away, "Give this to me." Then he took the burden and entered the room.

Osmanthus was startled, "Hey, there is something for your brother here."

Yingzi has already opened the burden on the table.

There are several very beautiful stones in it. They are crystal clear and colorful. They look better than jade.

There are also several very delicate and beautiful shells.

Other than that, it's just a box of preserved fruit, nothing else.

Yingzi took a sip of the preserved fruit, which was very sweet, and the corners of her lips lifted.

She took out the purse in her arms and embroidered it until the early hours of the morning last night, and finally finished the purse.

She excitedly took her purse and was about to go downstairs, and suddenly remembered that at this time, Doctor Gu must have come.

She looks down on herself so much, if she sees it, then...

Yingzi slowly stuffed the purse into his arms again.

If she wants to stabilize, she has to let Gu Chuan fall in love with her first, then it will be too late for Gu Yunjiao to say anything.

Before that, she couldn't let Gu Yunjiao find out.

Yingzi was very patient, and waited until Gu Yunjiao left at night before going to Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan had already returned to the backyard. Yingzi knew that he lived in the east wing. She slipped into the backyard from the Moon Cave Gate and knocked on the door of the main room in the east wing.

The weather was cold, Gu Chuan was sitting by the fire reading a book, when he heard a knock on the door, the servant Nanxing went over to open the door.

Yingzi saw that it was Nanxing, and looked inside, "I'm looking for brother Xiaochuan."

Gu Chuan raised his head, "It's Yingzi, come in, it's cold outside."

Yingzi lowered her head halfway, walked in with a bit of shyness, and stood in front of Gu Chuan without speaking.

Gu Chuan said strangely: "It's not that you are looking for me, tell me?"

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