Jiang Youzhi walked to the door of the school, and happened to meet two old ladies who were pulling Ruru out.

Ruru's maid was about to cry after following them.

Ruru is not stupid, struggling hard, "I won't go, I won't go, what are you going to do?"

It's just that even though she has practiced for two years, in the end she is small and weak, which is the opponent of these two stout old women.

The two women were like eagles catching chickens, grabbing Ruru's arms and taking them out.

Jiang You just kicked a woman in front of him and kicked the woman out all the way.

Now, he is not the only one who only had flower boxing and embroidered legs in the past. Since Mrs. Wu taught him kung fu, he has also practiced martial arts for seven or eight years.

The other woman was clever, she quickly let go of Ruru and stepped aside.

Jiang Youyi reached out and hugged Ruru, "Are you hurt somewhere?" He winked at her as he said.

Ruru also blinked, and quickly reacted, "Wow" she cried, "These two maids are so strong, my arm is about to be torn off by them."

"Brother, my arm hurts so much, woo woo woo."

Jiang Youzhi looked at the two old women gloomily.

One stood with his head bowed, not daring to look at him, and the other hadn't gotten up from the ground.

Then Jiang Youzhi's eyes fell on the palace maid's face, and the palace maid also quickly lowered her head.

Jiang Youzhi said slowly: "Go back to your noble concubine, my family Ruru is hurt. If the fourth prince does not apologize to my family Ruru, I will not give up!"

He said, picked up Ruru and left.

The princes and princesses standing in the yard watching the lively, have never seen such a powerful and outstanding person, and they will return to their senses when Jiang Youzhi is gone.

The third prince whispered: "Who is that?"

The eldest prince replied coldly, "Shoufu Lord Jiang."

The palace maid returned to the fourth prince's bedroom and reported Jiang Youzhi's words to Concubine Rong Gui.

Concubine Rong Gui was so angry that she said, "Sir Jiang, you don't take this palace seriously."

"How dare he ask my Yong'er to apologize to them? Dreaming!"

The fourth prince no longer had a sore nose. He was only seven or eight years old, and he couldn't lie down on the bed for a long time. After listening to the words of the palace maid and Concubine Rong Gui, he understood, and said angrily: "People, you don't mean to beat me. Yes, where have people gone?"

Concubine Rong Gui grabbed the fourth prince, "Let's go, let's go to the imperial study to find your father and emperor, this is too bullying."

After walking a few steps, Concubine Rong Gui rolled her eyes, "No, you are alive and well now. If we sue, your father may not believe you."

She bent down and said in the ear of the fourth prince: "You lie on the bed and pretend to be dizzy, and the concubine will ask your father to come over."

The fourth prince nodded.

Concubine Rong Gui went to the imperial study angrily.

After the eunuch passed the news, Concubine Rong Gui went in and cried, "Your Majesty, you have to be the master of your concubine."

The saint sat behind the desk, "What's the matter?"

Concubine Rong Gui cried, and the sage heard that the fourth prince had been knocked unconscious. He has not woken up yet, and was a little anxious. He put down the pen in his hand and said, "Let's go, let's see how Yong'er is."

The eunuch in the fourth prince's palace was staring outside, and came over to the imperial carriage from a distance, and hurried in to report the letter.

The fourth prince hurriedly climbed onto the bed and lay down.

The saint came in to see that the fourth prince was lying upright on the bed. He was startled, and hurried to the side of the bed to have a look.

At this glance, the child's face was normal, and he didn't seem to see any injuries.

As soon as he turned his head, he planned to call the imperial doctor for questioning, but who knows, he looked at the palace, but did not see the imperial doctor.

Looking back again, I saw the fourth prince on the bed. Although his eyes were closed, the eyeballs kept rolling under his eyelids.

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