Gu Yunjiao felt relieved after hearing what Ruru said, "Sure, go back and see what Aunt Hua cooked today."

Ruru happily walked back.

At this moment, a carriage suddenly stopped outside, and I saw a man get off the carriage with a boy of seven or eight in his arms, and then several people got out of the carriage.

Gu Yunjiao stood up abruptly. She knew the man who was holding the boy. He used to be the silver lock of Zhao Lizheng's house next to Jiang's house in Qingshan Village.

Then Gu Yunjiao saw two familiar faces, Zhao Lizheng and Yinsuo's daughter-in-law Hongxia.

Gu Yunjiao has not seen Zhao Lizheng for many years.

He looked much older, and his back was slightly hunched.

Standing at the door, Zhao Lizheng looked up at the plaque on his head, recognized the three characters of Renxintang, and then went inside.

After walking two steps, he saw Gu Yunjiao, Zhao Lizheng lifted his robe and knelt on the ground.

Yin Suo hugged the child and seemed to want to kneel down with him.

Gu Yunjiao took a few steps over and hurriedly said, "Uncle Li Zheng, what are you doing, get up, get up."

Zhao Lizheng saw that Gu Yunjiao was no longer the thin little girl in his memory, his eyes were a little wet, "Doctor Gu, I'm here to help you."

Gu Yunjiao hurriedly greeted them to sit down.

Zhao Lizheng pointed at the child in Yinsuo's hand, "This is the second boy of Yinsuo. He had a sudden illness a few days ago. He asked a doctor to see that he didn't get better."

"I took him to the Wang's pharmacy in the county town to see it again. I prescribed the medicine and took it for a few days, but it still didn't work."

"It's still the idea that the shopkeeper Wang of the Wang Family Pharmacy gave me, and let me bring my child to Xiangcheng to find you."

"I beg Doctor Gu to show the child."

Gu Yunjiao had already noticed that child.

He was leaning against Yin Suo's arms at the moment, his head drooping, and although he opened his eyes, there was no gleam in his eyes.

Logically, Gu Yunjiao should take the pulse of the child.

She looked at the child carefully, and saw the unusual angle of the child's drooping head, a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, and she slowly shook her head.

Zhao Lizheng was startled, "Doctor Gu, what does this mean?"

Gu Yunjiao sighed, "I can't take care of this child's illness."

Zhao Lizheng was devoid of color, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Doctor Gu, I know I couldn't be sorry for you before."

"At that time, I shouldn't have accepted your money, and I shouldn't have forced you to promise me a condition. If I messed up, I should be damned."

"I just ask Doctor Gu to save my grandson's life."

Gu Yunjiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and motioned for Ah Tie to pull Zhao Lizheng up.

She sighed, "Li Zhengbo, our villagers, if I can save you, I will definitely save your grandson."

She lowered her voice, "It's just, let me tell the truth, it's not that I don't see a doctor for this child, this child is really hopeless."

Zhao Li was dumbfounded, "Is there no help?"

When Yin Suo heard his father's words, his eyes turned red and he glared at Gu Yunjiao, "You are talking nonsense!"

Hongxia burst into tears immediately.

Yin Suo hugged his son, his eyes were red, "You didn't even look, why do you say that my son is not saved?"

Gu Yunjiao didn't want to say this in front of the child, she had already seen that although the child's eyes were open, his consciousness was no longer clear.

Even so, she didn't want to say in front of the child that he was going to die.

Gu Yunjiao got up and called Zhao Lizheng aside.

"As soon as you came in, I saw the child."

"You don't need to look at anything else. I just saw that his head was so drooping, and I knew that he would not live for three days."

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