The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 947 Who can guarantee that the conscience will always be placed in the middle

After being exposed by Gu Yunjiao that time, the Yang family was kicked out of the Pharmaceutical United Chamber of Commerce, which led them to not know a lot of news in the industry, such as what medicinal materials were in short supply and what medicinal materials might increase in price.

Although his pharmacy is still in operation, because the scarce medicinal materials have not been obtained several times in a row, the people go to his shop, and the medicines are not fully grasped. Over time, they will not go.

His family's business was getting worse and worse, and it could no longer be sustained. Not long after, Yang Yuan's father Yang Xiong simply closed the pharmacy.

A few years later, Yang Yuan opened a pharmacy by himself. He begged for a long time in front of Qin Lao, saying that he knew it was wrong, and begged Qin Lao to give them a way to survive.

Qin Lao saw how pitiful he said, and didn't want to kill their father and son, so he opened the door and let him join the chamber of commerce again.

I didn't expect him to be a demon again today.

Yang Yuan pulled back the collar of his clothes, which was being grabbed by others, and said calmly, "Is what I said wrong?"

"Since Dr. Gu is so selfless, why didn't he announce Renxintang's secret recipe? Baiyao, Dieda Oil, Huoxiangxiang, Wuji Baifeng Pill, Tianwang Buxin Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill, why not announce so many secret recipes?"

Yang Yuan said this, many people also think it makes sense.

Some people even felt that Gu Yunjiao took out these three medical books, maybe they were all useless medical books, and her actions like this were nothing more than making a name for themselves.

Others also thought that the secret recipe Gu Yunjiao announced was only Liuwei Dihuang Wan, which was to attack Yang Yuan and his son.

Later, the practice of watermelon cream was also announced. It was simple, and the medicine could not be sold for a price.

There is also a method of making chardonnay, which is too labor-intensive, and the raw material is beef, which is difficult to make and expensive.

In short, thinking about it like this, I feel that Doctor Gu is not so sincere.

For a time, everyone in the hall had different thoughts.

Gu Yunjiao smiled, "I won't announce those secret recipes."

"Simply because there are people like you."

"The production of finished medicines is complicated, and the ratio must be precise, otherwise it will affect the efficacy of the medicine."

"Once I publish the recipe, I will make medicine, but I will not make medicine. As long as it is profitable, I am afraid that I will rush to make pills."

"Who can guarantee that their conscience will always be placed in the middle, and who can guarantee that there will be no shortage of precious medicinal materials?"

Gu Yunjiao swept the audience, "At that time, the pills on the market will be mixed, some are effective, some are ineffective, isn't that harming the people?"

"So, I will never release the formula for these pills."

In ancient times, unlike modern times, there is a pharmacopoeia in modern times that clearly stipulates the proportion of pharmaceuticals, and there are also inspections by the Food and Drug Administration.

Even so, my uncle once told Gu Yunjiao that some pharmaceutical factories were cutting corners, which led to some medicines that were not effective after taking them.

Take Liuwei Dihuang Pills as an example. Different manufacturers have different efficacy.

Gu Yunjiao couldn't believe that everyone here was a gentleman.

The hall was very quiet, and many people were thinking about Gu Yunjiao's words.

Some felt that what Gu Yunjiao said made sense, but people were unpredictable.

They sometimes prescribe medicines, especially valuable medicinal materials, and the scales are inevitably biased. This is a common problem in business and cannot be avoided.

Others disagreed, thinking that Gu Yunjiao said this as an excuse.

If you don't want to take it, you don't want to take it, it's so grand.

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