The small bowl in the room panicked, "Come on."

She hurriedly glanced at the bronze mirror on the table, but couldn't see it too clearly, and hurried to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Rokuro stepped in.

Xiao Wan's heart pounded, she fastened the door, then pinched the straps of her clothes and stood by the door motionless.

As soon as Rokuro turned her head, she saw Xiao Wan lowered her head halfway under the candlelight. She raised her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes swept a shadow on her cheeks.

The girl's shy appearance immediately hit Rookuro.

He is now at the age of vigor and vitality. He has been in the barracks for almost a month, but he can't hold it anymore. He strode over, hugged the small bowl and put it on the bed.

Xiaowan let out a low whimper and closed her eyes tightly, then she only felt a chill in her chest, and then a hot body covered her.

Huiniang and Mrs. Chen were sitting idle in the main room.

At night, the light is not good, and it is not suitable for needlework. The two chatted casually.

This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are together every day, and the gossip is over.

Huiniang was obviously absent-minded, always turning her head to look at the east wing.

Chen Shi knew that her daughter-in-law could not get through for a while, but she was worried that her daughter-in-law would disturb Liu Lang's good things, and racked her brains to gossip, trying to distract Huiniang.

When it was getting dark, Chen Shi himself yawned, and then said, "You also rest."

Huiniang got up and walked towards the east wing.

Three rooms in the east wing.

The house on the south side is now a small bowl, the middle house is used as Rokuro's study, and sometimes also functions as a main room, and the house on the north side is Huiniang and Rokuro's bedrooms.

The three rooms have doors facing the outside, and the room in the middle has doors leading to both sides.

Huiniang went back to her room, stood for a while, and then quietly walked from the door to the room in the middle.

She walked gently to the door of the small bowl, and put her ear on it.

She heard the man's panting, and the woman's thin, cat-like moaning.

Huiniang grabbed her chest instantly, tears welling up.

She knew that she shouldn't be standing here, but she seemed to be abusing herself, listening to the movement inside, letting her heart break into pieces.

She recalled that every time Rokuro was with herself, it was a hasty affair.

And how long have they been?

More than an hour, right?

How many times is this?

Huiniang's mind was full of these questions.

After an unknown amount of time, the room fell silent.

Then came Rokuro's voice, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Huiniang quietly returned to the house, lay on the bed, opened her eyes and looked at the top of the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Rokuro came back for a two-day vacation this time.

For two consecutive nights, Rokuro rested in the small bowl house.

Compared with Huiniang, Xiaowan has a slimmer figure and smoother skin, which Rokuro naturally likes.

On the third day, as usual, Rokuro will return to the barracks early in the afternoon.

Rokuro didn't leave that day, and it seemed that he planned to rest at home for the night and rush to the military camp tomorrow morning.

After eating, Liu Lang was going to get up, Chen Shi coughed lightly, Liu Lang stopped and turned to look at his mother.

Chen Shi gave Rokuro desperately a wink, and Rokuro was confused.

Chen Shi looked at his son, and simply stood up, "Liulang, come here, my mother has a few words to tell you."

Liu Lang followed Mrs. Chen into the house, Mrs. Chen closed the door and said in a low voice, "Are you planning to go to the small bowl house again?"

Rokuro was a little embarrassed, "Well, don't I want Xiaowan to get pregnant quickly."

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