Qi'er cried even louder, shaking her head as she cried.

Dad made it very clear to him today, saying that he has grown up and can no longer call Aunt Gu a mother like he did when he was a child, let alone throw himself into Aunt Gu's arms like he did when he was young.

Dad also said that the mother who gave birth to him is no longer there.

Gu Yunjiao hugged Qier, and Qier cried for a long time.

At first, Youer looked at the sad Qier at a loss, and then walked away silently.

When Qi'er's cry subsided, Gu Yunjiao wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

Qi'er lowered her head and said after a while, "Aunt Gu, thank you."

Gu Yunjiao's hand stopped in the air, and a strong sense of loss came up.

Since Qier was two years old and brought him to such an age, hearing this voice from Aunt Gu, who felt very distant today, she couldn't tell the sadness in her heart.

Gu Yunjiao resisted and pulled out a smile, "Go wash your face, it's time to eat."

Qi'er lowered her head and walked away, and after walking a few steps, she suddenly turned to look at Gu Yunjiao, who was also looking at him.

Gu Yunjiao thought he would throw himself into her arms again, Qier glanced at her with tears in her eyes, and ran out.

Sometimes people grow up overnight.

Qi'er, who washed her face, sat there eating in a proper manner, no longer chatting about things in the military camp like before.

Yu'er didn't speak either.

After the family finished their meal in silence, Gu Yunjiao saw that Qi'er was about to leave with her head lowered. She felt so uncomfortable that she deliberately used a cheerful tone: "Don't leave Qi'er, You'er and Ruru. , I'll show you a game."

She pulled Jiang Youzhi, "Didn't they give you a pair of poker last time, where did you put it?"

Jiang Youzhi instructed Du Ruo to get it, and he kept all these things.

Du Ruo quickly brought the poker.

After this thing became popular in Dajin, within a few years, merchants soon brought this popularity to Dachu.

After Jiang Youzhi discovered that there were signs of gambling with poker among officials, he took some measures to stop it, and at the same time ordered a nationwide ban on gambling.

No matter what era, it is impossible to completely ban gambling, but after strict investigations, some casinos had to go underground, and after the people involved in gambling were heavily fined, they all restrained a lot.

The atmosphere of the entire Great Chu is clear.

This playing card given to Jiang Youzhi is made of gold foil, with patterns carved with a very fine knife, and special pigments are used on the pattern.

After taking the playing cards, Gu Yunjiao turned them over and over in her hand for a while, and sighed at its beauty.

Then tell a few children to recognize the card.

Jiang Youzhi was beside him and glanced at him from time to time.

After recognizing the cards, Gu Yunjiao told the children to play Dou 14, which can exercise children's computing ability.

A few children mastered the rules in just a while and started playing with great interest.

Gu Yunjiao just watched from the side. She found that You'er had strong computing power and a fast brain. Moreover, after a while, he began to judge the cards in Qi'er and Ruru's hands, and then took the cards they could ask for first. Walk.

Gu Yunjiao originally wanted to make Qier happy, but who knows that Youer always wins, Qier loses a few times in a row, and the corners of her mouth pull down more and more.

She touched You'er next to her, You'er was stunned for a while, and soon understood what Gu Yunjiao meant, and then let Qi'er calmly let Qi'er, after all, Qi'er was still a child. Just be happy.

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