The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 960 finally gave birth

Liu Lang's hand stopped in the air, Huiniang suddenly smiled, "I won't disturb you." After speaking, she went out.

Rokuro originally wanted to come over to look at the small bowl and say a few words of kindness to her. Huiniang's interruption and Xiaowan's avoidance made him lose his mood in an instant.

He went out without saying a word, stood in the yard, turned around and walked to the upper room and said to Mrs. Chen, "Mother, I'm going back to the barracks now."

Chen shi said in surprise: "Just go?"

"You just came back last night, don't you have two days off?"

Rokuro didn't say anything, turned around and led the horse in the front yard, and left.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves go away, Mrs. Chen felt a little uncomfortable. She understood a little, it should be because she didn't allow Liu Lang to go to the small bowl room last night, and Liu Lang was not happy.

But she doesn't care. Rokuro is young and not serious. What if he hurts the child?

Chen Shi thought about it for a while, and then threw it away.

Unexpectedly, Rokuro did not come back for several months after he left.

Chen shi looked at the door every day, and his eyes were about to go through.

This day, Gu Yunjiao took a chance and came to see Mrs. Chen. The two chatted for a while, Mrs. Chen hurriedly asked Chua'er to call out Xiaowan, "While you are here, take her pulse to see that the child is safe and sound. Uneasy."

Chuan'er went for a while, and soon called Xiaowan.

Gu Yunjiao was taken aback when she saw Xiaowan.

The first few times she came to Xiaowan, she hid in the room. It was only two or three months that she hadn't seen Xiaowan, and her whole body became fatter as if she was blowing air. At first glance, she thought it was swollen.

Gu Yunjiao didn't wait to get her pulse, and said to Xiaowan first, "Why did I tell you, you need to supplement nutrition, but you must not eat too much, you have gained so much weight in just a few months, this child are you? Don't you want to give birth?"

Chen shi panicked, "Isn't that true? Isn't it normal for a woman with a body to be fat?"

Gu Yunjiao frowned, "Mother, if you believe me, just do as I say. If the small bowl goes on like this, it will be difficult to give birth when it comes time to give birth!"

Huiniang stood beside her, the handkerchief in her hand tightened.

Xiaowan lowered his head, "It's all my fault. I thought about eating more so that the child can grow better."

Chen Shi hurriedly said: "I don't blame you, oh, it's all—" She stopped suddenly when she said this.

She originally planned to take care of Xiaowan's food by herself, but Huiniang was so active that she often went to the Xiaowan room to watch her eat, so she couldn't get involved.

Gu Yunjiao then took Xiaowan's pulse. There was no problem with the pulse. She warned again: "You must reduce your appetite."

She then instructed Mrs. Cui'er, "Today, you will prepare a small bowl of food according to the usual amount. Let me see how much she ate in a meal."

The falling girl agreed.

Gu Yunjiao stayed for lunch, and then she saw Chuan Erniang carrying a food box into the yard.

She followed to Xiaowan's house and saw Chuan'erniang putting bowls of food on the table.

Gu Yunjiao looked at it. There was a large bowl of rice, a fish with chopsticks, a small bowl of braised pork, a bowl of boiled eggplant, and a bowl of egg custard.

Gu Yunjiao frowned and instructed Pei'erniang, "You don't need so much rice, half of it is enough."

"And the vegetables, they only need half the amount."

Huiniang said from the side: "Did you hear it clearly? From now on, do as the doctor instructs you."

Seeing Xiaowan's relieved look, Gu Yunjiao looked at Huiniang next to her, and she suddenly knew what to do. It seemed that Xiaowan didn't want to eat so much.

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