Sun Juren hurriedly said, "Hui Niang is already married, and the woman who is married is throwing water at the door."

"You Jiang family can't divorce a half-dead person back to their parents' family. There is no such reason, and this is not in line with the rule of seven."

Huiniang's mother also panicked and looked at Sun Juren nervously.

The more Sun Juren thought about it, the more he felt that there was no chance of winning. Rooku really wanted to write a letter of divorce, and they had to pinch their noses to admit it.

Otherwise, go to sue the official, how can their family fight against Lord Shoufu?

Sun Juren closed his eyes, alas, forget it, this daughter is really worthless.

He turned to look at his daughter on the bed, "There are still some things at home, we will come to see Huiniang tomorrow." He raised his feet and walked out.

Huiniang's mother took her son and quickly followed.

Sister Huiniang was still weeping by the bed, and Yang Ying touched her, "Your family has gone back."

She glanced at the room blankly, and the family was gone, she cried and chased out.

When everyone was gone, Chen slumped on the chair, "My mother, finally left."

Rokuro silently handed the golden waist card back to Gu Yunjiao.

Gu Yunjiao put away the gold medal and walked to the small bowl room. She first looked at the engraving, the time was almost up, and then she took out the needle that was stuck on her body. Then she sat in the middle hall, took Rokuro's pen and paper and opened it for two minutes. Zhang Fangzi.

The recipe stayed on the table, and Gu Yunjiao and Yang Ying left. She didn't plan to take the recipe back to Renxintang to get the medicine.

Gu Yunjiao felt that she and Jiang Youzhi were like a family separated from Chen's mother and son. She didn't want to interfere too much with their family's affairs.

Back at Renxintang, it was almost dark.

The patients who were waiting have also left.

Jiang Youzhi was at home today, Gu Yunjiao ordered Zhang Shun and Liu Zhu to close the door, greeted Gu Yuheng and went home.

The next day, the servants of the Jiang family did not see Gu Yunjiao's two prescriptions coming over to get the medicine.

Gu Yunjiao also knew that the small bowl of medicine must have been caught in another pharmacy. As for Huiniang, it is estimated that after the Chen Shi and Liu Lang discussed it, she felt that there was no need to give her medicine.

A few days later, Sunja came over to spread the word, saying that the grandmother at home was gone and that she was having a funeral.

Gu Yunjiao thought that Huiniang didn't know whether she died of illness or starvation, and she didn't bother to go to Jiang's house, so she sent Dianyi a letter.

The next day, Gu Yunjiao was busy from morning till night, and finally finished the rest of the patients from yesterday.

After Gu Chuan finished the spring exam, he was waiting for the rankings to be released. He had nothing to do, and also helped in the store.

After several days, Gu Yunjiao had finished reading the patient and asked Gu Chuan to help her record medical records.

She dictated, and Gu Chuan took notes and wrote it down. She felt that it was much easier than writing it herself.

Moreover, Gu Chuan's handwriting is fast and good, it's long overdue to catch the strong man Gu Chuan,

Seeing that it was almost time for the list to be released, Gu Yuheng teased his son, "What if you don't pass the test?"

Before Gu Chuan could answer, Gu Yunjiao said from the side, "It's okay to fail the exam, but it's just worrying if you pass the exam."

Gu Chuan was speechless, "Sister, why don't you look forward to ordering me?"

Gu Yunjiao patted him, "I'm worried about you, you said that you have passed the entrance exam and want to go abroad, but you haven't married yet, this person goes abroad alone, who will take care of you!"

Gu Yuheng said from the side: "Otherwise, hurry up and find a marriage for Xiaochuan."

Gu Chuan's head was numb. Since the last incident with Yingzi, he had seen the girl and hid far away, for fear that someone would pounce on him and let him be responsible for the rest of his life.

He waved his hands again and again, "No, no, I'm only eighteen years old, and it's still early to get married. I'll wait a few years."

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