Gu Yunjiao patted her brother's hand, "Xiao Chuan has really grown up."

"I think you handled it well."

She didn't want to talk about Li's anymore. Compared to Gu Chuan's nostalgia, Li's was really just a stranger in her heart.

She changed the topic and said, "The documents from the Ministry of Personnel have also arrived. After this, you will be one of the parents' officials when you go out. My sister believes in you and will handle the affairs of the locality very well."

Gu Chuan Xu said that he felt more at ease, opened his mouth and smiled, "Well, in case it doesn't work out, I'll write back and ask my brother-in-law."

Gu Yunjiao thought that the southern border was more than 2,000 miles away from Xiangcheng. Waiting for your brother-in-law to reply, the day lily was cold.

In a few days, Gu Chuan's luggage was packed, and only the servant Nanxing followed him at home.

Gu Yunjiao and Aunt Hua ordered a lot of medicinal herbs, clothes and food for him, and the family sent Gu Chuan to Shili Pavilion outside the city.

Jiang Youzhi suddenly took out two letters and gave them to Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan held two letters, "This is?"

Jiang Youzhi said solemnly: "This letter is for the prefect of Jiaozhou." The prefect of Jiaozhou is Gu Chuan's immediate boss, and Jinyang County is under the jurisdiction of Jiaozhou.

"There's another letter for my eldest uncle." Jiang Youzhi's eldest uncle, General Wu, was stationed in the southern border. The camp where General Wu was stationed was only more than 100 miles away from Jinyang County.

Jiang Youzhi instructed Gu Chuan carefully: "It's best not to take these two letters out unless it is a last resort."

"On the southern border, there are people from Great Chu and southern barbarians, and three or four ethnic groups live together. The situation is complicated. You must not be reckless in anything you do. You must think twice before doing anything."

"If there is something you can't hold back, take this letter and go to General Wu."

He paused for a while and then said: "In the prefect of Yun, if he does not oppress you, there is no need to show him this letter."

He didn't write anything in the letter to Yun Zhifu, but just pointed out his relationship with Gu Chuan.

"If you have any business, write to me, whether it's private or public affairs, people's affairs, or official affairs. If you are not sure, you can write to me and ask me."

Gu Chuan took these two letters, and his eyes were wet.

These two letters are my brother-in-law's deep love for him.

Brother-in-law has considered everything he can say. He knows that even Jinyang County must have been carefully considered by his brother-in-law, just because General Wu's station is not far away, so he can be protected nearby.

Gu Chuan knew that his brother-in-law treated his sister very well, and even in the past, his father was not as good as his mother.

It is also because he loves Wu and Wu that his brother-in-law cultivates and loves his brother-in-law with all his heart.

With red eyes, Gu Chuan bowed to Jiang Youzhi to the end, "Thank you brother-in-law, brother-in-law, take care."

Then he knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Yuheng and Aunt Hua, glanced at Gu Yunjiao reluctantly, turned around and strode into the carriage.

Seeing Gu Chuan's carriage going farther and farther, Gu Yuheng sighed and turned around to get on the carriage.

Aunt Hua knew that Gu Yuheng was reluctant to bear her son, so she took his hand and said softly, "Don't worry, when did you miss Xiaochuan? I'll accompany you to the southern border, and we'll stay there with Xiaochuan for a few years."

Gu Yuheng grabbed Aunt Hua's hand tightly, her throat choked up.

They all know how hard the Southern Border is. These days, they often ask people about things in the Southern Border, and they are still discussing it at home.

Knowing this, Aunt Hua was willing to give up the comfortable life in Xiangcheng and accompany him to endure hardships in southern Xinjiang. He was very fortunate to meet such a woman.

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